Hanahaki Disease (A,F)

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Marcus POV

I woke up and put on my mask, It was going to be a long day, I'm known as "Mr Plant" In all the voids but my real name is Marcus,

I'm known to not have a voice but I do, I just feel uncomfortable with people hearing me, So I pretend to not have a voice

I went to Argos' void, I knocked on it, He didn't open it, That was very unlikely of Argos, I had an Instinct, Telling me that Argos was in danger,

I let myself in and went to Argos' room, I heard vomiting sounds coming from Argos' bathroom, I went in and saw Argos vomiting flower petals and blood on the floor

I ran up to him and spoke, "Hey! What's going on!? Speak to me!" I yelled, He kept vomiting, He yelled something, I managed to find out what he was saying

"Mr Plant- Nngh! It hurts! So much! Make it stop! Make it stop!" He yelled as he kept vomiting, I knew what this was..

Hanahaki Disease, It would only be cured if the love of that person's life kissed them, I assumed he didn't like me but it was worth a shot?

Vines were pricking at his skin, I could see 2 sharp vines in his throat, I lifted my mask enough to expose my mouth and, pulled him into a kiss,

I topped him as our tongues interwined, The kiss grew even more passionate in time, We pulled away after a few seconds, The vines pricking his skin started to shrink,

Same with the vines in his throat, He fell unconscious, I caught him before he hit the ground, I carried him fireman style, I lifted my mask all the way and put it at the side of my head

My right eye was a button and my left one was an actual eye, They were both green, I noticed there was blood on his jeans and shirt, I decided to chan-
Wait a damn minute..

I took some of Argos' clothes, Blindfolded myself with one of his sports bandana's and changed him, No I- Okay I admit it, I did kinda take a peek of him

Be happy I didn't take pictures of him in such an embarrassing state!- That was a lie also, I laid him on his bed after changing him, I then went to cook,

Argos POV

I woke up, I was in different clothing, Huh..That's weird, I thought I was dying,
Wait a damn minute..

I thought he didn't have a voice!, I jumped on to my floor and ran to my kitchen, Mr Plant was cooking, But something was different about him..

He. Looked. As. If. He. Was. Made. Of. Human. Flesh.

So Mr Plant actually was a human!, I decided not to bother him so he could be scared once he looks at the couch,

He looked over to wash throw away some egg shells, "Hello Mr Plant" I said, He jumped and fell on the floor, I giggled and helped him up

"You didn't tell me you were awake!" Mr Plant said, "Sorry, Could you forgive me?" I asked giving him my special tactic,

Drumroll please!

He looked at me frustrated "Fine" He said in his raspy, deep voice, I giggled "Thank you!" I said, "But somebody has to clean up all these egg shells while I cook" Mr plant said with a smirk

I pursed my lips in embarrassment "Fine!" I said

{After the cooking and cleaning}

"Breakfast is ready!" Mr Plant announced, "So, Mr Plant, If you have a voice and a face, Why didn't you tell me?" I asked

He stayed silent and looked at me, "I was uncomfortable with people knowing that about me, Please don't say it's selfish" Mr Plant said as he flinched

I patted his back, "It's okay! I'm not like them!"

{In my AU Mr Plant and Argos met in 1st grade and Mr Plant was bullied for cancelling plans because he was an introvert in 5th grade}

As I was about to eat my food, I felt a soreness in my lips "Mr Plant?" I asked "Please call me by my real name, Marcus" He said

"Well, Marcus, Why do I feel soreness in my lips? As if someone made out with me very roughly?" I asked, Marcus pursed his lips and looked elsewhere,

He sighed and looked at my lips "What's wrong?" I asked, "Has the soreness neutralized?" He asked "Yeah..?" I said, He pulled the collar of my sweater,

His lips met mine, We made out for a few minutes before pulling away, "I-It's the same soreness.." I said "So it was you who made out with me..?" I asked, He nodded

"Why tho?" I asked while blushed a little bit, "Argos, When I came to your house, You didn't open the door, So I sorta let myself in and looked for you"

"I heard you vomiting in your room, You were vomiting flowers and blood, You had Hanahaki Disease Argos, A disease that comes from one sided love,"

"I thought it would be worth a shot, So I kissed you because the only cute was for the victims true love to kiss them, And- Well-" He failed to complete his sentence,

"Actually, Marcus, I feel Alot better now" I said "So it was me you loved?" He asked, My face turned into Marcus' Favorite colour, Blood red,

"Well- Yes, It was you" I said "So, Does this mean we're...More than friends?" I asked "Well, Yeah.." Marcus replied, "May I kiss you?" Marcus asked me,

"I thought you'd never ask!" I said as he pulled me in for a kiss, I loved it, I will never leave Marcus, He promised to do the same..

We pulled away after a few minutes, "Hey! Just because I showed you my face, Voice, And told you my real name, Doesn't mean you can go around telling everyone about it!" He said

I giggled "Don't worry love, I won't" I said as our lips reconnected

1031 words

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