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Subhadra -

Indraprasth was beautiful. Its illusionary gardens to striking architecture. But of course, it was no match for the vaikunth on earth, Dwarka.

I love it here. It had made amazing progress for a newly established city.

Her year with Arjun had just finished. Well, not exactly. Just 2 months were left which they spent together. Then, he had to spend the new year with Draupadi. He didn't want to as he felt it wasn't fair on Subhadra, but she insisted.

It was more than generous of Draupadi to accept her as a sister. Or else, Arjun would have been permanently kicked out (or gracefully led out, take your pick) of the kingdom.

But it took a little adjusting too. The concept of being "formal" did not came easily to Subhadra. Like, greeting and taking blessings every time you see an elder (except Arjun of course), talking about the weather and all sorts of weird stuff that they do here.

  In Dwarka, they did not have any formal behaviour. They were and acted like a family.

So Subhadra quickly had to learn to be "formal" which was a bore. Basically, during any party or anything, if some guest cracks a joke even if it was a lame one. Like - "Why did the chicken cross the road ? - To get to the other side !" And other stuff straight of your nightmares, you have to laugh. And it has to be genuine.

Indraprasth was also well protected. It had mayavi protection, which stopped floods, droughts, visits from Justin Bieber or any other natural disaster.

The four Pandav brother were also amazing. Like Yudhishthir allowed her to come to court and see all the judgements passed, watched Bheem practise, (also he was in head-in-charge of the kitchen, but that's just between you and me 😉)

Nakul and she had all sorts of fashion shows where she and Karenumati were the audience and Nakul was the model. He would sashay into the room, while the latter would try not to laugh.

She and Sahadev had an amazing time reading the most antique of books and scrolls. Dosen't that sound FUN !? (Me trying not to gag)

Arjun was absolutely amazing. He was everything Duryodhan wasn't.
Example you ask ? Handsome . I think that sums it up. If we begin the list of everything that was wrong with Duryodhan, we would be here as old as the Mahabharata. Man, that guy needs a therapist.

As for the kids, well, I don't know when they were born, are they older than Abhimanyu, heck, I don't even know their names. I know. You've got yourself a STUNNING author.

So how about I do some research and then talk about these kids. Sorry. The only thing I know is they existed and at one point, they died. But I'll try to add stuff about them. I think.

Anyhoo, things were going smooth for Subhadra. Krishna dropped by often, for the development of the kingdom and all, so all was cool.

Every single day with Arjun brightened her mood. She noticed, everytime he saw her, his face glowed. 

She slowly fell in love with him. His small gestures made her feel his love for her.

Ah. So amazing. Everyone loved her. She had a loving husband who loves her back, 4 brothers, 5 sisters and little nephews.

What could go wrong ?

Apparently, a lot.

Signing Off,

Invisible Dragon.

Krishnaanuja SubhadraTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang