I tried...

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I stood there holding the flowers behind me. After a lot of thinking, I had decided to tell Mitsuri that I like her but, as soon as I saw her, I lost all of my confidence. I mean just look at her, she is just so beautiful. She can never be fine with a person like me.

Just when I was about to give up, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned my head to see Kyoujurou standing.

With a bright smile on his face, he said, "Just set your heart a blaze and go for my friend! I know she will like you back! She is my student after all! And I like you so, I am quite sure she will like you too!"

After hearing Rengoku's words, I regained my confidence and called out, "Kanaroji-san~"
Misturi turned her head to look at me but before our eyes could meet, I looked down.
I heard Kaburamaru hiss a little and say, "She is so pretty~"

I heard Kyoujurou encouraging me but I couldn't move. It was like was under a spell, Her spell to be exact.

Mitsuri with a confused and curious face came towards me and with a smile said, "What is it Iguro-san?"

I couldn't move a limb. So to help me out Rengoku held my hand and brought it towards Mitsuri and with a sigh said, "Obanai just wanted to give you this; but it looks like he found something more interesting to look at on the ground."

Mitsuri with a huge smile accepted the flowers and said, "Thankyou so much Iguro-san. They are beautiful, I love them." On hearing Mitsuri say that I became flustered. "N-no p-pro-blem." I stuttered and gave her a shy smile.

She thanked me once again and walked away with the flowers.


I hope you like it...

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