Lotte couldn't help but think that maybe the audience was convinced for different reasons back then. "Shall we tell them the story behind winning this trophy, Lotte?" she suddenly heard Alessia ask, and in response, she took a deep breath, transporting herself back to the night when Alessia had found her way into her heart with more than just spoken but also sung words.

It was a Saturday evening at college, and everything seemed to be normal and routine. The girls had a rare break from their soccer games on Sunday, so they decided to unwind by visiting the campus bar that night. While Alessia was busy getting ready, Lotte lounged on her bed in their shared room, pretending to review her university papers. Well, in reality, she was more focused on the mesmerizing sight of Alessia trying on different outfits right in front of her. "Should I go with the skirt or the dress? And what about the heels? The heels are always so uncomfortable," Alessia asked, seeking Lotte's opinion on her outfit choice.

"Lose the heels, you're beautiful as you are. And take the dress, it always knocks me off my feet," Lotte blurted out, unable to contain herself. Damn, it was happening more and more often lately. She really needed a filter for her mouth to keep all the jumbled thoughts from slipping out. Alessia responded with a simple "Thank you, Lotte," breaking the brief silence that had filled the room before quickly turning around and hiding her face. Wait, was Alessia blushing just now?

"Could you give me a hand with the dress then?" The scene could have come straight out of a cliché romantic movie, but as Alessia turned to Lotte and she stood up from the bed to zip up Alessia's dress, time seemed to stand still. The moment their skin touched, Lotte felt the world around them fade away. She had noticed in recent times that Alessia's touches felt different, more tingly somehow, but apparently, it wasn't just Lotte who was affected by the touch - Alessia's neck hair stood on end and she got goosebumps too. The electric sensation running through their bodies was undeniable to Lotte, but it also left her standing there unable to move a finger.

"Is it stuck? Or should I hold my breath?" Alessia asked nervously. Lotte couldn't help but think that Alessia was trying to downplay her body's reaction with that comment, just as she had quickly turned around, blushing. Lotte herself had to restrain herself from doing something foolish, like exploring Alessia's neck with her fingers or even her lips, to see if it was her that triggered the reaction or maybe just the temperature in the room or something like that. Since it was a pleasant 23 degrees Celsius, Lotte discarded that idea logically. Still, it somehow pleased her that Alessia might also sense the changes between them, which rendered Lotte's brain powerless and even followed her into her dreams.

After Lotte successfully completed the for her seemingly impossible task of closing Alessia's dress, the two of them made their way to the campus bar. They arrived a few minutes late, spotting their teammates already settled at a table in the corner. "What would you like to drink, Lotte?" Alessia asked, heading straight to the bar. "I'll treat you, so pick whatever you want," Alessia winked at her.

It felt strange to see Alessia wink, almost like a playful flirtation, and Lotte had to suppress a smile. That wasn't really flirting, was it? Perhaps Lotte's imagination was also beginning to run away with her. "You don't have to treat me, I can pay for myself," she replied with a polite smile. But all resistance proved futile as Alessia insisted, "You helped me with my outfit, so I'm treating you to a drink!" Lotte's legs turned to jelly at the blonde's smile, and she accepted the invitation for a beer, which brought an even brighter smile to Alessia's face.

The other girls from the team had already made themselves comfortable at a table in the corner, and Lotte and Alessia joined them. The space was limited, forcing them to squeeze onto the corner bench. But to be honest, Lotte didn't mind at all. Every time Alessia's bare skin brushed against hers, she felt the same goosebumps she had just elicited in the other woman. Sometimes, she mustered the courage to look up and was rewarded with the sight of sparkling blue eyes looking into her own.

Lotte and Lessi RussoWhere stories live. Discover now