...family problems...

Start from the beginning

Wilbur:*stabs schlatt in the heart*

System: schlatt was slain by Wilbur

Wilbur: i- ummm I didn't mean to

Tubbo: it's okay plus he have two more

Wilbur: oh okay

Jack: but how is Tommy?

Tubbo: yeah!

Wilbur: he doing okay he just resting

Tubbo: oh okay

Niki: is this the first time for you and Tommy?

Tubbo: no, he drink for 2 years alright before marrying quackity

Jack: hmm

Niki: oh wait! What about the elections?

Wilbur: oh shit!

Ora: wait, how did you forget?

Wilbur: I did move it about year but I think we change the day

Jack: ok, but which day than?

Wilbur: okay I sent a message to the people who are trying to be president of L'manburg and saying I change the day of elections and it will start about 7 days

Tommy: okay!

Niki: woah! Tommy, you scare us

Ora: your okay!?

Tommy: yeah-

Tubbo: *hugs Tommy*

Tommy: *hugs back*


Fundy: so can we vote?

Wilbur: hmm, I think you guys can even though you guys are kids

Tommy: but, my birthday is in 2 days...

Wilbur: oh...

Niki: wait how old are you?

Tommy: 4

Niki: your to young

Tommy: I know

Ora: and I am 10

Tubbo: I am 5

Fundy: 6

Niki: wait how?

Fundy: I am animal so animals grow different and age differently

Jack: oh yeah

Wilbur: okay so me and Jack and Niki we will build a stage for the elections and a birthday party for Tommy

Tommy: yay!

Ora: can I help build?

Wilbur: sure, but don't get hurt

Ora: I won't

Fundy: awwww, I wanna help to

Wilbur: you can help to

Tubbo: umm me and Tommy don't wanna help we still traumatized after what happened

Wilbur: it's okay

They all talked but expect Tommy he just ignore it but till he saw something bright behind the house

Tommy:*goes to the bright thing*

Ora: Tommy?- there he goes

Tommy: *See's fire* oooo, fire :D

Ora: *follows Tommy in a sneaky way*

Tommy: *goes in the fire and laughs*

Ora: Tommy, get out of the fire

Tommy: no >:[

Ora: fine, than I will put the fire out

Tommy: fine... *gets out of the fire*

Wilbur: guys, it's getting dark you should sleep-

Ora: look, I change I didn't get in the fire

Wilbur: I know but Tommy you know you can't get in the fire

Tommy: fine, and you both act the same

Ora: no we don't

Tommy: yeah, yeah anyway I going to sleep

Ora: okay goodnight!

Tommy: night!

Wilbur: hey Ora you should go to bed to

Ora: okay

They all went to bed but expect Tommy he sneak out of the house and went to fire for 2 hours but someone came and talk to him

Tommy: beautiful fire...

Badboyhalo: hey Tommy come on we have a meeting with the eggpire members

Tommy: okay, but what are we discussing about tho?

Badboyhalo: our problems and to be being nicer people

Tommy: okay, let's go

Badboyhalo: okay *picks up Tommy and puts Tommy on his head* ready?

Tommy: yup

Badboyhalo: okay *throws so many enderpearls so that they can reach to the eggpire*

Badboyhalo: we here!

Puffy: oh hey Tommy

Ant: hey lil kid

Hannah: and I stole this cake

Badboyhalo: Hannah, you know that's rude

Hannah: I know

Tommy: so about that meeting

Badboyhalo: okay I was lying the egg wants another person into joining the eggpire and those topics to but the topic we be talking about is about 2 hours long and the egg wants this kid name Fundy to joining the eggpire

Tommy: ooo, great choice plus they notice that Fundy is apart of egg sent he always keep his eyes close

Hannah: wait who is Fundy?

Tommy: he is Wilbur's kid but used to be a girl but is trans so it's a he

Ant: he had kid!?

Hannah: how!?

Puffy: he didn't tell us he had a kid

Badboyhalo: but with who

Tommy: he fuck a salmon and gave birth through his feet

Badboyhalo: welp

Tommy: we should have meeting after we have Fundy as new member of eggpire

Badboyhalo: okay than

Puffy: *places beds for everyone to sleep*

Hannah: thanks puffy

Puffy: thanks, we should sleep so have energy tomorrow

Tommy: okay, goodnight everyone

Badboyhalo: night

They all went to sleep

The next day...

                                      To be continued.....

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