"Do you think I should speak to him?" Carmen said, looking between the two girls.

"Yeah, I think maybe leave it for tonight. And then pull him first thing tomorrow." Jess suggested.

"Was you surprised?" Whitney asked.

"I don't know actually. I have always thought there might be something there. But like I thought cos he friend zoned Jess he was leaning towards Ella, you know?"

"Yeah." Jess nodded. "How do you feel about Zach and Molly's kiss?"

"I wouldn't say I was jealous- more surprised. I don't think I've seen them have an actual conversation yet so I'm not sure where that sexual tension has come from. I'm quite calm though because she kissed him not the other way round."

"Yeah." they both agreed.

"Anyways, Whit. I seen you chatting to Mehds again earlier. You feeling him?" Carmen asked.

"Yeah, it's giving intrigued." Whitney replied.

"That's good." Jess replied.

"What bout you, Jess?"

"I just need a new boy to come in for me, Cmon let's pray." she said grabbing both girls hands.

"Over the salad?" Carmen asked.

"We wish- a pretty boy- sexy- bombshell- to walk in- for the best-funniest- girl in here." they all said before cheering.

That night, Zach and Carmen may facing each other in bed once the lights had gone out, Zach running his fingers up and down her arm. She leant over, giving him a small peck before cuddling into his side, the boy resting his head on hers. "Night, beautiful."


The girls were separated the following morning, Catherine, Ella and Molly on the terrace whilst Whitney joined Ella and Carmen on the day beds.

"Girls." Whitney started.

"Talk to us, Whit." Jess replied, cuddling into Carmen's side.  "What's your plan today?"

"My plan today is just to speak to everyone. I've narrowed it down for sure."

"Okay, tell us more." Carmen spoke.

"It's definitely not Zach, definitely not George." Whitney replied.

"I feel like coming in here it's just a bit all over the place, you have to meet the girls as well." Jess said.

"The girls are territorial." Whitney spoke.

"What does that mean? I'm not good with big words, sorry." Jess said making Carmen giggle.

"Oh my gosh, they're like- Ella for example she is very like territorial over Tyrique. So it does make you think, hm, you don't really want to get into that, cos it's like, that's long."

"Well not a certain someone." Jess said, poking Carmen's side.

"Excuse me, you didn't either." she replied with a teasing smile before turning back to Whitney. "Your here for yourself though, so do you."


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