Chapter 1 Dark Shadows the story begins

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It was a very stormy day at the great house of Collinwood. I am telling this from my chained up coffin my name is William Henry Collins. I am cursed to be a vampire for all eternity. It all started when my soon to be bride Alice and her maid a girl named Angelique came to Collinwood.

But little did I know that Angelique was in love with me. I did not love she tried to make Alice fall in love with my brother Jeremiah. She almost succeeded. But it didn't work.

She used voodoo to work her spells on everyone even my baby sister Sarah. She made Sarah sick. But Sarah got better.

When I caught Angelique working her voodoo. I stopped her but she threatened to make Sarah so sick that she would die.

To protect my Sarah and Alice I drew my gun and shot Angelique but before she died she put a curse on me.

These are the words of the curse that she had put on me. " William you want and love your fear Alice so much well you shall have her but not in the way you I put a curse on you William Henry Collins you can never love for whoever loves you will die that is my curse William and you will live with it for all eternity".

Then Angelique died or so we thought. She lived she tried to undo her curse on me but it was too late.

I was already a vampire. My beloved Alice died by jumping off of widows hill. My mother died after she saw me as a vampire. My baby sister Sarah got very sick and died after she saw me as a vampire it scared her that she ran into the rain. Her last words to me were " I love you William. I always will don't forget me."

Sarah died in my arms it broke my heart because I love my little Sarah very deeply she was my baby sister.

Sarah died in my arms it broke my heart because I love my little Sarah very deeply she was my baby sister

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This is my baby sister Sarah

This is my baby sister Sarah

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This is my love Alice

This is Angelique the one who made me a vampire

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This is Angelique the one who made me a vampire

This is me as a vampire begging my father to kill me

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This is me as a vampire begging my father to kill me

This is me as a vampire begging my father to kill me

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This is me when I shot Angelique

This is me chained in my coffin because my father couldn't bring himself to kill me

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This is me chained in my coffin because my father couldn't bring himself to kill me

This is me watching the great house of Collinwood after I was set free from my coffin by Willie Loomis Jr

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This is me watching the great house of Collinwood after I was set free from my coffin by Willie Loomis Jr

This is me watching the great house of Collinwood after I was set free from my coffin by Willie Loomis Jr

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This is the great house of Collinwood

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