2. Dead Man Walking

Start from the beginning

Right as you were about to enter, you stopped. You pivoted on your heels, and turned back towards your mother with one last smile. Your smile was bright and genuine, like your hopes for the future. Like a bird ready to fly for the first time, you were ready to embrace the new world.

"I'll see you later okay? In the meantime, I'll change some lives!"

She looked surprised for a second, before bursting out into laughter. Sure it was a bit of a corny statement, but it got you excited for the future! She waved you off with an encouraging smile, and you finally turned around to walk to the plane.

Questions flooded your mind. What would Rome be like? Would you make new friends? How different would the culture be? All of that, and much more had bounced through your mind like echo in a large cave. You felt so much anticipation for the future, you were practically buzzing on the spot.

The world was a place full of unknowns and uncertainties, but to face them head on was the greatest strength one could have.

You sat down in your plane seat, and before you knew it you had taken lift off. Looking out the window you could see the plane slowly float above the ground and eventually lift off into the sky. All you had to do now was wait.

Suddenly your thoughts were interrupted by a random thud against your back.

"What the-'' You looked back to see what the source of the random thud was, only to meet the eyes of a young boy. The little child stopped kicking the back of your seat and looked up at you for a second, as soon as he saw the annoyance on your face a vicious smirk growing on his face. He knew what a nuisance was being you, and quite obviously found some kind of twisted joy in it. Think think, your luck would be so sad you would end up being placed right in front of a little satan spawn of a kid.

You turned to his mother, was a look that screamed 'what are you going to do about this?!'. She barely even gave you a glance, before turning back to her phone. It was obvious she was the type of mother to ignore her child rather than discipline him, letting him do whatever he wants and cultivating him into an even bigger spoiled brat. You would have felt pity for the boy, if he hadn't been kicking your seat in.

This... would be a long flight.


As soon as the plane landed, you bolted out of the plane. Once you made it far enough away from the little demon and his mother, you let out a breath of relief that you had been holding for the entire flight.

After picking up your luggage, you finally noticed how full this airport had been compared to the one that you came from. The abundance of people was insane. Perhaps it was people going home from the summer, or maybe it was because Rome was naturally just a larger city than your hometown. Still, it felt like you could lose yourself so easily in a place like this. The abundance of people would sweep you away, and you would become just another faceless individual in the crowd.

You tried to pull yourself away from the masses, but their hold on you was too strong. You just bumped around like a ping pong ball, bumping into people, apologizing, bumping into another person and so on and so forth.

It was like an endless barrage of humans. You thought you would never make it out, into a firm hand grasped your arm and pulled you away from all the people.

You look towards your savior. She was a tall girl, about your age with long dark hair that was swept to the side.

Her deep turquoise eyes stared at you in concept as she dragged you away, long eyelashes moving gracefully with every blink. Her hand was soft, yet firm. You could feel the calluses on her hands and they wrapped around yours. She gave you the impression of someone graceful yet tough, a temptress that could slice down an army with a single blade under her care.

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