Love at first sight

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Emma's pov

"EM" I hear my one and only older brother and team mate at Red Bull Racing F1 Team Max Verstappen yell from the bathroom in the hotelroom we're staying due to the race in Bahrein. I sigh what does that buttface want from me this early? I get out of the bed and walk to the bathroomdoor. "EM, for fuck sake, EM" I hear him say. "WHAT" I yell back as I open the door, I see him jump in the shower. Yes I thought to myself I scared him. I grin. "Stop grinning and give me a towel from my bag" he says to me. "Only if you say the magic word" I say with a bigger grin on my face. "Okay fine little one" he says he puts on puppy eyes and says "please". I laugh at him "okay fine".

As I go back to the room to grab a towel I hear a ringtone, it's Max' phone. I pick up "Hey Kelly, how are ya? It's Emma btw if you couldn't tell!" I say as I grab a towel from Max' bag. "Hey Ems! I'm good thanks and you? Is Max there?" I hear Kelly Piquet Max' girlfriend say on the other side of the phone. "Im doing fine, just a lil nervous for this weekend but that's all, Max is in the shower" I say as I walk back to the bathroom and hand Max his towel. "Ofcourse he is in the shower haha, but hey Em you're gonna slay it this weekend you can do it" says Kelly.

"Who is that" whispered Max to me. "It's your girlfriend" I said back "thanks Kelly! I'll do my best, here is Max btw" I say as I give the phone to Max. "Hey baby, how you doing this morning?" Max says when he placed the phone to his ear and walks out of the bathroom. I follow him and take some clothes for the day and a towel out of my suitcase and walk into the bathroom. Some of you might be wondering why I share a hotelroom with my brother, well we are super close although we are 4 years apart in age, but we don't care about that. He protects me, sometimes a little bit to much, especially with boys then he is a jerk.

I turn on the shower and step under it. After 10 minutes I hear a knock on the door. "WHAT" I shout to the door, "WE HAVE TO GO HURRY UP" I hear max shout back frontje other side. Shit is it 10 am already? I hurry up dry myself off and jump into my clothes, take my red bull cap and stand for Max. He stand around the corner pretending he is looking at a watch and then ticking with is finger on his wrist. "Very funny, come on I'm hungry" I say, he let me past and we go to the cafeteria.

After breakfast it's 11 am, it's time to go to the racing track of Bahrein, there I will be meeting the other 19 drivers well 18 cuss one of them is my brother duh. Max drives us to the track. I'm fidgeting with my necklace around my neck, I always do that when I'm nervous or anxious. Max noticed and took my hand that was the closest to him and says "hey don't stress out, you're gonna do great and they are gonna love you!" I thanked him with a smile and looked outside. It's beautiful here.

Lando's pov

I wake up to a terrible sound, oh right my alarm. It's 9.00 am, we have breakfast at 10 am. I turn on the shower and step under it, jeez that's cold. I wait for it to get warm but it doesn't ugh no hot water. I dry myself of and put on some clothes, clean the room a bit. Look I make it messy okay, I'm just a day here but that doesn't really matter. I look for my hat and I can't find it anywhere. "Great" I say under a sigh. The day has just begon but is already shitty. Then I see a papaya orange cap, yes I found it. Only it wasn't mine, Carlos and I switched caps. Silly Muppets we are right?

I look at my phone, oh it's already 9.50 am time to go downstairs. I put on Carlos' cap and walk down stairs. My colleagues laugh when I come down stairs with Carlos' cap, Carlos looked around and I saw he was wearing mine on his head, we switched them back and ate our breakfast. I drive with Carlos in a rented car to the Circuit of Bahrein. "There is a new driver at Red Bull did you know?" Asked Carlos. A new driver? No I didn't know that. "I didn't know that, what's his name?" I said as we walked through the paddocks. "Well not he, it's" I see Carlos looking at the Red Bull garage "it's her" he pointed at the most gorgeous and cutest girl I had ever seen in my life, blonde hair, I think around my length a little smaller.Seeing her makes me all forget about this morning. "Wow" slipped out of my mouth before I could think about it. "Don't think about it mate, it's Max Verstappens younger sister" said Carlos in respond.
But I couldn't care less, she was gorgeous.

Emma's pov

"Hey Ems" I hear behind me, I see it's Max when I turn around with a man next to him.
"Ah so you're taking my seat" says the man. "It hasn't been your seat for a while anymore Honey Badger" says Max. Honey Badger? Oh right Danny Ric!!
"I'm Emma" I stick out my hand to introduce myself, "Daniel Riccardo, But call me Daniel or Danny" he shakes my hand. "Nice to meet you" I say, "it's nice to meet you to" he said "I hope you are going to do well for all the females in this sport!" He says.
"Its my dream and goal to introduce more females into F1" I say.

"Come I want you to meet a few other friends" says Max and drags me outside with him. "Max don't pull so hard, you're gonna-" I stopped when I saw two boys one of them caught my eye, the cutest and most handsome boy in front of the McLaren garage walking this way. Brown curly hair, a little taller then me. "I'm gonna what?" Max said pulling me out the trans I got in. "Hm, what? Oh I was gonna say you're gonna dislocate my elbow or something" I say in response, I hope he didn't see me stare at the boy cuss he would go wild and won't let me talk to him. Max saw the boys and walked over to them, I followed obviously wanting to meet the cute boy. As I came closer I saw his eyes, beautiful dark blue eyes. Dark blue eyes are my weakness alright?!

Lando's pov

I see Max walk in my direction and the girl followed him. As she walks closer I can see her eyes, the only thing I could say is beautiful. Beautiful light blue with a hint of light green eyes crossed mine. I began to smile, she did to. Max pulled me into a hug and we patted eachothers  back "how ya doing mate" I said after we let go. "Great, really proud to race next to my baby sister this season" said Max, "oh shut it max" says the girl, she sticks out her hand. "I'm Emma, Emma Verstappen btw or how this butt face calls me Max' baby sister" she said a lil nervous but also shy. "Hey, you have a buttface to we're family if you forgot!" Max said. I chuckled and shook her hand "I-I am Lando, Lando Norris" I said with a stutter and a smile. Shit why did I stutter? Because she is so damn cute? Come on Lando get yourself together like Carlos said, Max wouldn't let me date her even if we both wanted to! She let go of my hand and smiled cutely at my stuttering after that she turned to Carlos.

Max' pov

I walk over to Lando and Carlos who are walking me and Emma's direction and hug Lando. "How ya doing mate" he asked I let him go and answer "Great, really proud to race next to my baby sister this season". "Oh shut it Max" I hear next to me. Emma sticks out her hand to introduce herself to Lando. "I'm Emma, Emma Verstappen btw or how this buttface calls me Max' baby sister" Em said it a lil nervous but also shy, that's how she is. "Hey, you have a buttface to we're family if you forgot!" I say. Lando chuckled and shook her hand and says "I-I am Lando, Lando Norris" wait why did he stutter? He smiled at her and she smiled back. Oh no not already! I don't want Emma to date yet, especially not an F1 driver! I look at Emma after she introduced herself to Carlos, a little angry but also protecting and reassuring that it will be alright but also that I wasn't happy that she was already chuckling and smiling at Lando Norris.

Emma's pov

"I-i am Lando, Lando Norris" the boy said with a stutter and a smile. I chuckled amd smiled at him then I turned to the other boy and introduced himself. His name was Carlos Sainz, he drives for McLaren to just like Lando. I look at Max who was looking at me protective, reassuring and angry? Oh yeh right, no dating F1 drivers. Ugh sometimes I hate my brother. You probably ask why I can't date F1 drivers? Cus Max thinks that it would break my heart if we break up because of a fight about the racing you know. Cus we will compete against eachother. I never really had an issue with it, until yeah I saw this boy and by 'this boy' I mean Lando Norris.

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