"That's all you both care about. The stupid hotel. I don't give a shit about it. I don't care about the money."

Zhan began to walk towards the front door to get out of there but Yibo took Zhan's wrist. "Don't go." he pleaded.

"Yibo... don't beg him. He won't listen. There is no point in begging. He won't listen to anyone other than his husband. He will never love you. He will never believe anyone but his stupid ass husband."

Zhan pulled free from Yibo. "Yibo...you're still too young to understand these things. Like your uncle said you need to run the family business soon, get married to a beautiful girl and have your own children. Someone your age..," he said giving him a forced smile.


"WANG YIBO," his Uncle yelled. "LET THAT MAN GO! DON'T BE AN IDIOT."

"I've seen how shitty Zhan has been treated and all I want is to bring him here and hide him from everyone else. I want to give him the happiness he deserves along with his daughter. I can give them what they need."

"If you do that I will take everything from you. Everything you own was bought with my money."


"Stop, Yibo." Zhan said. "It was a mistake coming here. Your family is right. They want what's best for you. You're still young. You have your whole life ahead of you. Share with someone your age. I'm sorry I pulled you into this." Yibo had tears falling from his eyes. Zhan took a step closer to Yibo and wiped his tears. "You don't deserve any of this drama in your life. I'm sorry I dragged you into it."

Zhan stepped back and bowed down to the angry elder in the room. Then he bowed down to Haikuan and walked out. He didn't dare look back at Yibo. He didn't dare turn around when he heard Yibo begging Haikuan to let him go. He didn't dare turn around because he knew he'd run back to console him and take him out of there.

Not knowing where to go, Zhan headed to Meng Ziyi's apartment.  As soon as he knocked the door opened and a very pregnant Meng Ziyi greeted him.  

"Zhan," she said with worry on her face. "Is everything okay?" 

Zhan had tears in his eyes.  "I just wanted to be near her. Is that okay?" 

Ziyi let him into her small apartment.  "Xuan kept calling me last night wondering if I had seen you. Is everything okay?"

"Yes, everything's fine.  Just a little argument. Nothing to worry about," he said wiping his tears and giving Meng Ziyi his best fake smile. 

Meng Ziyi knew he was lying, but didn't push it.  "Little Yanli is kicking a lot.  Especially now that you're here. I think she can sense you." She grabbed Zhan's hand and placed it gently on her belly, "You feel her?"

Zhan felt the little kicks on his fingertips.  "Yanli, daddy loves you," he cried.


With nowhere else to go, Zhan went back to the apartment. As soon as he entered his home he was greeted by Xuan. He was a disheveled mess. It looked like he had gotten no sleep. His eyes were red and swollen. His hair was untidy, something that Xuan never let happen.

"Zhan..." he cried. "Zhan Zhan... " He dropped himself to his knees and sobbed. "I'm sorry."

Zhan couldn't look at him in the face.  He maneuvered around him and went to the kitchen to grab some water. 

"Zhan..." he tried again, but Zhan continued to ignore him. 

Xuan grabbed him tightly and made him look at him.

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