Chapter 9 blessed love

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I lean over the table and say "let's go baby I need you" he looks at me confused at first but then it dawned on him and he shouted "waiter we will have the cheque please" I chuckled to myself because I instantly saw how flustered he was. In the car ride home I could feel myself wanting to just grab him but that would be stupid since he's driving as we pulled up to the house he opened my door and I just grabbed his hand I dragged him in, I kissed him so passionately that his hands were all over me, I started to unbutton his shirt and my god that body was driving me insane. He lifted me up so I was wrapped around his waist as he carried me upstairs.
The following morning I woke up with our clothes everywhere and I see Andy laying naked next to me, I look at him and I think to myself, how the fuck did I get so lucky, I then just put on his shirt and head to our kitchen and cook him up some breakfast as it was our last day here and I wanted to make the most of it, once I had made breakfast I heard Andy come downstairs.

Andy's pov

I woke up in bed alone and panicked for a second until I smelt the gorgeous breakfast and realised my beautiful girl was down stairs I sat up and threw on my shorts and realised my shirt was missing so I started hunting for it.... I went down stairs and Jesus fucking Christ there's my shirt on my women and fuck I'm struggling to keep my head straight I could just pick her up and take her right back to bed..... "Andy stop it"she said giggling I just walked over to my lex and just held her from behind and just rested my chin in her shoulder and said "good morning my angel" as I kissed her on her cheek. She replied with "good morning babe go have a seat everything is nearly ready" I smiled and sat at the table dying to try my gorgeous girls food. We were sitting together while eating and just again laughing and loving each others company I'm so happy I have this girl how the fuck I became this lucky I do not know but damn she looks so hot in my shirt.

"Babe, do we have to go I really don't want to leave, this has been the best weekend of my life" she looks at me, I smile and say unfortunately we do baby girl Christmas is in a couple of months so I need to get some shopping for my beautiful princess and my family" while I kiss her cheek.

2 months later
Alexis pov

I woke up in the middle of the night needing to throw up I have no idea why unless I'm getting a sickness bug, I didn't want to wake Andy so I went to the bathroom as quickly and quietly as possible and started throwing up. I heard the door open to the bathroom and there he was my hero he instantly held my hair and rubbed my back and asked me "my baby are you sick" I replied with "yeah, it literally came out of no where I'm sorry for waking you baby" he just smiled and kept hold of my hair, oh God I threw up again and my stomach finally settled I can't be poorly we're at Andy's parents house .
"It's probably just a sickness bug baby, but I'll be by your side no matter what" he says as he comforts me as I'm throwing up.
The following morning I head downstairs carefully trying not to wake Andy but I just take one whiff of the breakfast that Andy's mom is making and just the smell of it causes me to run up to the bathroom to throw up, but as I was throwing up Jas called me, I tell her what's going on and she says "do you think you could be pregnant" to which I reply "I honestly don't know I've not even taken a test yet but I'm gonna talk to Andy's parents before I do any test, and I'll get back to you" she agrees and I head back downstairs and I go up to Andy's parents and tell them everything.

Andy's mum said "it's okay sweetheart let's go get you a couple tests just to see for sure" as she winked at me, she whispered to Andy's dad "this could be where we become grandparents " she giggled. So without even telling Andy we get straight in the car and go to the nearest pharmacy to get a few tests I feel big knots in my stomach because what if I am pregnant then what.... Andy has his band and we are always moving around like am I going to ruin everything Andy has worked so hard for. Andy's mum snapped me out of my thoughts to say we were here.
"What do I do if i am, I don't want to disrupt Andy's life he has his band we're always moving about on tour, what if he wouldn't want a baby yet, I'm scared" I say panicking, she just turns around and says "lex, Andy loves you with every fibre being of his being, and I know for a fact he would love to have a baby with you" and with that we head into the drugstore and pick up a first response test and a clear blue digital, once we paid we headed back and Andy's dad was already keeping Andy distracted so I head up to the bathroom and I do the tests and wait the dreaded two minutes once the timer on my phone went off I take the tests in my hand and I take a look hoping them to be negative, but I get a complete shock when I look at them.

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