Start from the beginning

He could never deduce his father's forgotten past. He neither could spot the keys to 'chamber lax' nor find a man called KilRoy.
He needed some young minds to carry on his quest and the story in came out with in his so called farewell speech.
An incomplete story make anxiety at least in a few minds and as a result a girl of twenty stood in front of his car the very next hour.
"Good afternoon sir, Can I speak to you for few minutes?" Anu said to his professor with after a traditional salute folding both her hands.
"Good afternoon dear lady , tell me how could I help you?" Professor expressed his courtesy in return.
"Sir you spoke about those seven sages, the creators of our civilization in your morning speech."
"Yes, I did. Would you like to share some information about it?"
"I am afraid, how you would take up my doubt." She smiled doubtfully over to his widened lips.
"You should never hesitate to ask. It can pull your mind in ditches." Guruji replied her with a sigh as he was actually searching for someone to take up his dreams.
"I have heard quite similar epic in my childhood from my grandma, once she started losing her mind. She was suffering from strange disease, some kind of dementia. Once she returned after admission in national hospital she was totally a different woman, from what she had been.
She started talking about her yester life in a sky lab which revolved around mars, which my parents found strange. She spoke about her brother, whom noone in my family have ever known. She had started writing and singing lullabies for her husband, my grandpa who had left us quite long ago. She turned acrimonius, which offended the whole family
They thought she has got some mental disorder and consulted a pioneer in our psychiatric wing.
I remember the doctor himself adviced my dad to take care of her in her last days of life till the end and all those were the after effects of a big dreadful events she had to face.
He said our clan exist because of her bravery and so we need to take amble care until her last breath. My dad called him insane and took her to another but we couldn't save her from the pitfall in to madness.
She told me bed time stories about saptarishis, who sacrificed their valuable lives to build up a secure civilization in which every human being and other living beingss started to live together in harmony.
I hope this might be a strange story, but I found it close to something that you spoke this morning."
"May I know who your grandmother was and of course the name and clan of the doctor you had consulted?"
"Dr Gauri Das was her full name and she was a delegate from this college. The one whom we consulted was yet another delegate as he said. I don't remember his name or clan." she replied to professor enthusiastically , as he have taken her story seriously.
"So you are from the clan of Dr. Gauri das, often referred as 'Angiras' closest one to the sun. I think you aren't much aware about her past, are you?"
"Sir, I don't know much about them. But I knew people here had a great respect for her."
"Have you heard a name kilRoy from her stories?"
"No, sir though she drew these words on our walls 'Kilroy was here'."
"Daughter, if my assumptions are true, she was one among the great seven who shaped our civilization and held one of those keys to 'chamber Lax'."
"Sir, what is chamber lax?"
"Even I don't know exactly, but it was created by them and it exist somewhere hidden around us even today. It holds the secrets of our survival, the story of our existance and many other treasures hidden post apocalypse probably." He spread his hands inviting her in to his car.
"I would like to take you back to my office, shall I?"
"Sir, so you believe in the myth. and of course it's my pleasure privilege to accompany you."
Anu sat beside the retiring dean of the greatest medical institute of her country proudly waving her friends. She couldn't hold excitement, neither her curious friend, Sam who's been waiting her outside the canteen.
Dotto took her with its master to the well known lion's den.
"Sir, what is this?" Anu who had never seen a computer asked guruji quiet anxiously.
"It's a computer. Our ancestors used this instead of 'Digics'." He lifted his wrist up above the keyboard, to check the most beautiful device of their time.
It was quite a handy device which carries every information about the beholder and the vast knowledge he aquire during his journey called life, like wand for a sorcerer.
"Sir, how much does it store?".
"Not more than a few PBs, I think."
"Quite inefficient, Sir. If you don't mind let me ask why you still use it despite of having a digic, stores in YBs, I hope."
"Yes, dear. But they don't have the wisdom we have been searching now. Please look in to this picture carefully and identify your granny." He showed her a photographs from his dad's collection.
"Sir, she might be the third from the left. I have seen this gown inside her cabinet, she always carried this pouch in memory of my grand pa." "So you haven't seen any of her photograph in younger days, have you?"
"No, sir. She always said she lost track of everything for survival, after grandpa left."
"Dear then I have your grandpa, standing next to her. Have you ever seen him?" He asked her expecting further progress in his enquiry.
"I haven't seen him ever in person, since he left before I was born."
"Now I realize, we are getting somewhere.
I can identify two more people from the holy septate." He laughed aloud like an insane, while the poor little girl who didn't get a reason to join him stood staring.
"Sir, I didn't get you at all. How do you get my grandparents in your computer?"
"They were with my father in his forgotten past. They were the architects of the civilization we cherish, also the guardians of the secret chamber. They were space voyegers; Seven of them were together called 'Saptarishi's'...That's all we know about them for now."
"Sir, isn't it a far older term? Like among vedic era."
"So you are good at history also. Yes, the seven sages depicted in the Dravidian and Vedic texts. Do you know about them further?" He asked his young student revealing his own ignorance in the subject.
"Not so well, sir. But I have got a friend, who sometimes could help us out."
"Who is she? Get her here as I must be relieving by tomorrow evening."
"Not her. Sir, you know him well than anyone else. I am talking about Sanu." She said in much lower pitch carefully observing changes in his expression.
"I hope you aren't talking about that dumbass who made an accident with my vehicle, who has been a constant headache for the officers because of his excellence in curriculum."
"He is the one, sir.Got enough talents but placed at a wrong place. He is not at all interested in theoretical medicine but history. He told me enough stories from the epics while we were together in a vacation."
"That doesn't fit him to my mission. Anyway, try if you can interpret any of these messages yourselves" He handed her few sheets, which he had got from his father's garage along with the pen drive.
"But he is the only guy who had believed my story prior to this." Anu tried to justify the need of roping in the new guy, but she couldn't however convince the wizard.
"Dear, I would be pleased if you would obey my orders. I want you to assist me in my mission. Scoundrels have got no part to do in it. Do you get me?"
"Yes, sir." Saying this she looked in to the sheets which had mysterious letters giggling at her. Each letter drew beautiful pictures in her mind but to interpret them looks far impossible.
She hesitated to show her ignorance, since it was a golden opportunity to impress her idol. She too wanted to learn about her granny.
"Sir, this might be an ancient text. If you would give me a copy of this, I can get it decoded by tomorrow." She said though she had least confidence in herself.
"Agreed, I will browse more about saptarishis tonight. If we won't get an answer tonight, I will have to come back once again. Try to make things quicker."
"Yes, sir." She replied with a keen face.
"You can leave now. Meet me here before 10 tomorrow."
"Yes, sir. Have a good day." She gave him their traditional Namaste and walked out of the room with equivocal thoughts.
Walking past the door of lion's den she looked at the first sheet again. She found in it some beautiful diagrams mocking at her. They were strange and beautiful.

*********To be continued*********

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