I hate children. 1/2

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Awesome, I hate everyone in the dream I had except for the kind people that had albinism.

We are sleeping OUTSIDE by the end of it.

Starts off in an airport and people already tryna get rid of me, that fucking used me to get a stain of the WALL. SHE SHOULD NOT BE AROUND CHILDREN.

I wanna smack the piss out of the kid that ripped my dog in the dream.

I wanna stomp on the head of the kid that ratted me out to the ZOMBIES SO I HAD TO GO CAT STYLE UP THE CABINETS IN THE KITCHEN. They fucking SCRITCHED ME.

I was to shout out to the only three people in my dream that didn't treet me like shit. And they don't exist and everyone else does so I'mma KMS!!

What was this fucking dreammmm

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