Chapter 1: its just getting started

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The blonde girl (which is kelly) rushed to her sisters side of the room they shared: her side was painted a girly pink and carlys was a tomboy, ice-cold blue. Her side had a igloo on it, where she kept all of her toys in a box and had a dart board despite being to young to know how to properly play and Kelly on the other hand had a swingset.

"Cawy, wake up!" she tugged at Carly's shirt. The toddler looked at her, she looked restless. "Daddy w'nts to see us!"
Carly woke up and got ready, the two ran downstairs, "I wonder if evil sissys are gonna be twhere?" Said Carly, "probably".

as soon as they came down stairs, they saw King Tom: tather, and Queen Sophie: mother on their throwns. Their mom's eyes looked puffy and red, they could tell she'd been crying.

"Go upstairs, Kelly." Said tom, he looked irritated.

"Okay daddy?" She was confused. It was written all over her face.

"Girls, Your evil and we have to send you away so you can get better. "

"Evil???" Little Carly questioned with fear in her voice, "we not evil!"

Late that night, king tom went to the wizard, and asked him to brew up a forgetting potion so that LC would forget LK and not try to find them again but in the next couple of chapters fate makes them find eachother

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