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Lied felt like today was a roller coaster ride and he had been screaming for unexpected turns and speed. He wanted to go die. Just a hour ago, he became a familiar. And, his familiar form was a tiny rat no less. Now I understand Kalego-sensei's feeling.

Looking at the strange room arranged for him that was only a few rooms away from nezu's room, he felt extremely tired. Was it because now he was alone?

Lied slumped on his bed, looked at the phone Nezu just gave him.

Life here might be ok, it could be nice.

And he drifted off to the dreamland.


Living with Nezu was not so bad, well expect for Lied sometimes felt lonely, as Nezu was busy with work and stuff.

It was not like he could talk to him freely like they were friends. Just a few days but Lied thought Nezu exploits his every little value, as Lied had to signed an idol contract. He couldn't believe that he went to another realm and still couldn't escape that embarassing job. 'You should just think being Lindy will help you with your training and mission. Beside... you were really cute in that dress.' Laughed Nezu like a madman while holding a picture of Lindy – him on cute orange dress. That crazy rat.

Now he was busy training to be an idol under an entertainment company that seem secretly under Nezu's control.
Seriously school, company, what else he own?

He could go freely outside as Nezu said 'I have talked enough, why don't you do outside and experience the human world yourself? Just don't get in trouble.'

Nezu even gave him human Yen money.

Lied couldn't help but feel like he owed Nezu big time, providing him with a place to crash, clothes to wear, a phone to use, and even human blood as his food (Lied can't eat human food, he threw up after trying to eat one, Nezu had to buy blood bags for him. A 350ml bag would make it for a week.)

But thinking back to his mission,... maybe we both need each other.


Lied's been all over the place, using his powers to steal senses and keeping an eye out for any trouble. He's been reporting back to Mr. Nezu whenever he spots something fishy, but unfortunately, he hasn't been able to gather any intel on the League of Villains just yet. At least he's been able to prevent some attacks and quickly report any villainous activity.

One thing Lied still can't quite wrap his head around is the way humans live. It's all about the strong protecting the weak, standing together in solidarity, and fighting off villain and evil stuff. It's a far cry from the way things work in his demon world.

But hey, all that frequency use of Bloodline magic and Cherushiru (Transformation Magic) has really paid off. Lied's magical skills have definitely improved, although he's still not quite as good as Azz-Azz.

Overall, life here was still pretty good.

Devi, thinking too much made his mind overload.

He decided to go for a walk and clear his mind.


The city was bustling with life. When he first saw people here, Lied was quite taken back as they looked nothing like what he had learnt in Babylus. Very few of them had 'normal' appearance. Some of them even resembled his demon friends. It was lucky for Lied as he didn't have to use Cherushiru to hide his horns and pointy ears everytime he went out. Lied thought he would feel awkward in the human crowd, but looking at them made he feel no different from demon world.

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