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Spencer couldn't believe that he was finally talking to Aaron. Let alone, Aaron.. flirting with him?

Aaron couldn't believe JJ didn't think to introduce them sooner. There was something charming about Spencer. The way he stuttered. He was so easily flustered. Do I have a crush on Spencer? I think i- "Aaron. Aaron?! We passed the english classroom." Spencer said. Aaron snapped back to reality. "Oh, I'm sorry. I guess I just zoned out." Aaron apologized. Aaron followed Spencer into the classroom. They let go of each other's hand. Neither of them wanted to. They sat next to each other and waited for class to start.

Time skip to lunch---

Spencer was waiting in the lunch line next to Emily. They chatted about random things until the topic got to Aaron.
"So what's the deal with you and aaron?"
"Oh- we're friends now."
"Yeah, I know that, Spence, but what was up with the hand holding and walking to class?"
"Oh. I-I don't know, I guess."
"What did he tell you that made you blush so hard?"
"He invited me to sit with him at lunch."
"Oooh cute. Are you going to?"
"No, Em, I'm not. DUH, YES."
"Relax, spencer."

It was Emily's turn in line. Then Spencer's. "Well, you have fun sitting with your little crush." Emily teased. "I will, thank you." Spencer replied. Spencer headed for Aaron's table. When Aaron noticed Spencer, he perked up and waved him over and scooted over. Spencer sat next to him. "This is the person you invited? Him?" Parker said. Aaron gave Parker a glare. The death glare. "Cmon Spencer, let's go to a different table."

They both got up and sat at the always empty table in the corner. "Sorry, my friends are douchbags to people like you- wait- no offense- i-" Aaron was cut off. "Aaron, don't worry about it." Spencer forgave.
"Well, anyways, why is somebody like you hanging out with somebody like.. well, me? Why not hang with Parker or something?"
"Ah, their boring. I've known you, what, half a day? And I like you better."

Spencer's stomach filled with butterflies. And I like you better those words kept repeating in Spencer's head. He knew he had a crush on him but didn't think he would ever be talking to him! They sat and chatted for the remainder of lunch. "Oh, there's going to be a huge rager at Jason's house tonight. Wanna come?" Aaron asked. "O-oh sure. Ive.. I've never been to a party." Spencer said. "Well, I'm glad we're changing that." Aaron said as he got up to dump his tray.

Spencer followed. "You barely touched your food, you okay?" Aaron asked, concerned. "Yeah, don't worry. I guess I'm just uh never hungry." Spencer said, trying to hide the lie. He was always embarrassed of his anorexia. Aaron was hesitant, putting thought into his answer. "Well, if you say so." Lunch was now over, and they needed to head to their next classes. "See you later, spence." Aaron called out. "Bye!"

Spencer said. Did he just call me Spence? I know my friends do it, but this just feels different in a good way. He called me Spence! "Hey, pretty boy. I noticed you sat somewhere else today. And with a special someone~" Derek teased Spencer, nudging him on the arm. "Ugh, stop it," Spencer continued, "I need your help, though. I don't know what to wear to a.. rager?" "Don't worry, pretty boy, I got you. Usually people just wear casual clothes, like the ones you're wearing now. People usually don't even change for parties that aren't formal." Derek said.

I can't wait to see Aaron

I can't wait to see Spencer

 best senior year ever (Heid)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें