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Pheona Pov]

"Whats happening!?"

Pheona screamed as her back hit the cieling of the diner.
Everything around was floating into the air rather fast.
Townspeople outside screamed in fear that they would fly all the way into the clouds.

Then suddenly,everything dropped down to ground,Pheona herself getting a bruise on her leg.

People around her were slowly getting up.
Pheona then heard her phone ring and answered the call.


"Pheona!Thank goodness your okay!"

It was the comforting voice of her mother.

"Your father was out in the woods planting flowers,i need you to go try and find him,okay?"

"Yes mother" Pheona hung up and went outside the diner.
The city was a mess.
Several cars were flipped over and on fire,hundreds of people were injured and could barley move,others began their journey to the sky.

Pheona quickly turned around to see the forest and ran into the thick trees. Pheona couldn't hear any sign of life,she was starting to wonder if her father had already made his way home. She reached in her back pocket for her phone. "Dang it!"She thought as she felt a hole in her pocket, "I must've dropped it!" Pheona then ran through the trees looking for a way out when she heard someone crying.Confused and worried,Pheona headed towards the sound to find a boy that looked around her age,crying,sitting with his knees to his face in a small clearing.The boy had a blue and white hat with a pinetree on the front,an orange shirt,and a navy blue vest. The boy's natural brown hair covered his face as he cried into his knees.Pheona walked slowly towards the weeping boy and crouched down beside him.

Dipper Pov] "Are you okay?" Dipper lifted his head up from his knees to see a brunette girl staring at him. The girl repeated her words. "Are you okay?" Dipper nodded and stood up.He brushed off his pants and straightened his shirt,not wanting to look sloppy in front of the girl.The girl stood up as well and smiled gently at him.Dipper could feel himself blush.He sniffled then he turned to the girl. "How did you find me?" The girl explained how she was looking for her father when she heard someone crying and decided to check it out. "Oh,im sorry,My name is Pheona,Pheona Oaks.Whats your name?" Dipper shuffled his feet. "M-my name is Dipper...Dipper Pines..." Pheona smiled gently. "So,what are you doing out here?" Dipper didn't want to talk about it,but he guessed it would be better to share with someone. Dipper began explaining about the journals and their lore,about the lies he had to live through all summer,about the authors identity,and what seemed to make him most angry,the fact that his twin sister,Mabel,had betrayed his trust. "Wow...thats a lot to deal with!" Pheona agreed. Dipper nodded and glanced in the direction of the mystery shack. "Im not going back...not until i sort this all out..."
(Okay guys,what do you think.also if you follow my Instagram,these first few story's I plan on writing May or may not have anything to do with my insta,but this is basically pheonas life)

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