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Sighing, I click the alarm clock off. We are now halfway through my exam year, so far everything is still going well. I stretch for a moment and then get out of bed. I do my thing and then get on my bike.

After 10 minutes I arrive at school. I quickly run inside since I am already late. Quickly I walk to my classroom and see that the door is still open. Relieved, I start to walk a little slower. I walk into the classroom and sit down next to my best friend,Amy.

"Hey" she says cheerfully. "How are you always so cheerful in the morning" I say sighing as I put my bag down. She smiles for a moment and puts her books down on her table.I grab my stuff too and that's how the teacher begins her English lesson.

"Did you know Noah has a six-pack?" Says Amy suddenly. Surprised, I turn to where Noah is sitting with his best friend Max. For a moment I look at him. He's actually quite handsome; he's never really caught my eye. He is very quiet in class, Max is a bit of an oddball. I don't know what it is but he doesn't really stand out.Still puzzled, I turn back to Amy. "How do you know?" I ask her. "Floor told me, she had a picture of it. I can ask her to send it" she says. "Yes I am curious" I reply smiling.

After English class we have a half-hour break. "Look she sent it" says Amy suddenly. And she shows the picture of Noah shirtless. Surprised, I take a closer look at the picture in front of me. Of Noah with indeed a six-pack. "I actually never noticed that he is quite handsome" I say to her. She just simply shrugs her shoulders.

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