Season 1 Episode 9

Start from the beginning

"She gets it from her mama" Lucious says amusingly, Cookie slapped him hard on the chest and walked off.

"When you see Meagan again, tell her she can perform by herself " Lucious told Malcom and walked off.

Meagan had brought Lola to Majesty when she realized that Cookie would be busy with Elle Dallas rehearsal.

"This is the mommy and this is the daddy. They do all walking in the house. Then they live happy ever after" Lola says playing with her toys on Meagan's desk.

"Good luck with that. You are way too innocent to be a Lyon" Meagan told her smiling at her.

Then Jamal walked in, Meagan looked at him confused being that he hardly ever comes to her company.

"Hi" Jamal says to Lola while looking at her like she's an alien.

Lola wave to him excitedly, "I need to talk to you, alone" Jamal says to Meagan.

She nods and press a button, "Sky, come get Lola for me please" Meagan says.

Sky walked in and took Lola out of the office, "that's my daddy" Lola says to her.

"I know" Sky says with a fake smile and eyes wide open.

"I need you to move back in with dad" Jamal says as soon as the office door closed, "says what now?" Meagan questioned and looking at him as if he lost his mind.

"Look, Lola is gonna stay with dad and Anika. I need you there cause you saw how our relationship is by being raised by him" Jamal explained himself.

Meagan just steered at him and said nothing, "ohk, the next song I do I'll dedicated to you" Jamal said trying to bribe her.

She only raised her eyebrow at him while folding her arms, he knew what it was like living with Lucious so it was a big ask.

"Ohk, um, I'll get mom off your back about the showcase" he told her.

"You got yourself a deal" she told him which caused him to smile happily, "but answer me this. Is there a chance that Lola might be yours?" Meagan asked curiously.

"Yeah, there is" he told her, "well in that case, Lola and I have a fitting to get to for outfits for the showcase tonight" she told him as they walked out of the office together.

The next night at the entrance of Leviticus on the balcony Hakeem, Jamal and Meagan performing together welcoming all the investors and artists that enters the building. All their fans outside watch and cheered for them as they watch the performance above their heads.

Hakeem:- Empire state of mind, let's go!

Jamal:- Things are looking up ready for tonight. I feel good, ready cant nobody hold me down. Meagan what we gonna do?

Meagan:- I'm gonna take advantage of all these flashing lights. 'Cause it's the best time the best time for it. We can do it all right now can't nobody tie me down.

Meagan & Jamal:- If you want it I got, tomorrow's not promised. Live inside the moment, oh, no. Tell me what we waiting for. What the hell are we waiting for?


Meagan rolled her eyes at she watched her brothers bicker against each other in the dressing room. They were all wearing white as per the request of Lucious to show a united front of a musical family.

Meagan's outfit-^

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Meagan's outfit-^

She had her ear buds in so she didn't hear what Cookie said when she walked in to talk to Lucious.

She only saw that he tried to get their attention, she pulled her ear pads out and approached him and stood between her brothers.

"Hey. Hey, come here, I need to talk to y'all now" Lucious says to them turning his back towards Cookie and Anika.

"Meagan you need to get ready, your up next, you're in the started spot as usual, then you guys right after" Lucious informed them.

"Wait, what about Elle?" Meagan questioned curiously since she was supposed to perform first.

"Forget Elle. That's the past. These investors are here about the future of Empire, and that's my children" Lucious tells them.

Then he sent a pointed glare at his sons, "whatever beef y'all got going on between y'all, y'all gonna stop it. Get out there and make those billionaires open up their checkbooks" Lucious tells them and walked off.

"You heard your father, shake hands. Tonight isn't about you, Hakeem" Cookie's says looking at her son's as her daughter touch up her make-up.

Jamal and Hakeem smiled at each other then bro hugged and pull Meagan into their hug who complained about them messing up her hair.


The audience cheered loudly as Lucious walked on stage smiling, "thank you so much for being here. I hope you all had a chance to learn a little bit about our company, and I hope you got a chance to talk to some of the very talented heads of our many different divisions. But right now, before I come out here and highlight Empire's financial strengths. I'm gonna ask you to put down your Empire magazine, you roll up your Majesty jeans, and kick back into your Majesty foot wear,have another glass of Empire's best champagne, and listen to some of Empire's beautiful badass, gifted musical artists, and let them get you where you're supposed to be. Ladies and gentlemen, I want you to give it up to Majesty's CEO and Grammy Award winner, my daughter Meagan 'EP' Lyon!" Lucious announced cause everyone to cheer loudly.

After Meagan's standing ovations performance Hakeem and Jamal went on next. But for some reason Cookie went up and gave Lucious speech which made Meagan really confuse.

Everyone except for Anika went back to Lucious house for thr night, "Lola, say good night to Uncle Andre and Aunt Rhonda" Juanita says walking into the den with Lola in her arms.

Lola told everyone goodnight before Juanita took her to bed. Lucious took a seat and face his family, "am sick" he announced to them.

"Wait, what do you mean?" Meagan questioned him already feeling the tears building up.

"I have ALS  Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. It is, uh, an aggressive and degenerative neuromuscular disorder that will eventually take away my ability to control my body" Lucious explains to them.

Meagan literally broke the moment she heard the news, all she could think about is all those times she was fighting him that could have made his illness worst.

Meagan sat there in shock, she didn't notice that Hakeem and Andre started fighting or that Rhonda and Andre ended up leaving.

"Meagan" Lucious says to her snapping her out of her shocked state.

She walked towards him and he pulled her into a hug and brought her towards her brothers outside of the den.

"Y'all have been through a lot. But y'all are going to get through this, whatever happens. Right now, I need y'all to be strong" Lucious told them.

"We will dad" Hakeem says, "just tell us what you need" Jamal tells his with his arm around Meagan.

Lucious glanced at Cookie who was still in shock inside the den, "your mama didn't take this well. I need a moment with her, y'all go on home okay" he told him kids.

They hugged by putting their heads together and holding each other behind the head and then left.

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