💫🏵Black Gloria's🏵💫

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Deep within her castle, the queen picks out her finest Ravens, sends them off through the window, in hopes they bring a Black Gloria. The finest, and beautifulest flower in the world. They are said to be in the Abyss of the Edge. I am Val, the only Raven that has returned. I get sent with packs, most get taken down with Eagles, some fly too high they suffocate, others eat poisonous food. I have only just gotten back, when I sense danger, U stop flying, and land in the window. The knights are trying to uphold my queen! My queen has been accused of murder, and witchcraft just because of me! I violently peck at them, getting the away from here, need to remind you us Ravens are much larger than these pesky humans! I lift my queen apon my back, and I set out to the edge of the world. It gives us infinite afford and love, as long as you treat it with kindness! On our flight there, we fly down, as we headninto Eagle territory. My queen gasps at all the fallen Ravens around us, I stick below the trees, givingbus cover. The next land territory we have to cross isn't much help. The Owls. Stalkers, reporters, kings of night. Hunt us easier below than higher up. I find my queen somewhere safe to rest for tonight. Guarding her with my large wingspan. I watch every move, listen to every sound, pound away every goblin that tries to take her away from me. Morning comes fast, and we start again, Owls coming at is left and right, I do a murder dive, and dodge every talon thrown at me. We reach t promised land, I hope I don't have to fight again. But in this promised land I won't have to.

Word count: 308

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