Chapter 18 - Discussing Terms

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Libby nodded. "Yes! Thanks, Red Spirit!"

"No problem." The duo split up. Libby followed Alex's scent back to the rendezvous, and once they reached it they watched him rip apart the haunch of a deer the Hunters had brought in.

Libby didn't approach him, but instead headed straight for the Prey Cave to drop off the grouse. Inside, they spotted the rest of the deer. Parts of its flesh were missing as they had been ripped off.

Libby only now realized how truly empty their stomach felt. The excitement of having completed their punishment had gotten to them, but now the hunger came back in full force.

"Well, it wouldn't hurt if I grabbed a piece." Using their strong jaws, they sheared off a chunk of the deer's meat and carried it outside. Part of it was still covered in fur, which they carefully ripped off as they settled near their brother and two other wolves, Pearl and Umium, who were also devouring their share of the deer.

Digging in, Libby enjoyed the savory taste of the still fresh meat, devouring it quickly. They looked over to Alex, who had taken a much larger chunk and was chewing thoughtfully on it. Alex refused to meet their eyes.

Libby instead looked around them. Snow-white and Onor were on guard duty per usual, but outside of them, Umium, Pearl, Dreven and Kotan in front of Leader's Rock, the clearing was empty.

This soon changed when Red Spirit entered the rendezvous carrying a small hare and a large grouse between their jaws. They dropped it off in the Prey Cave and then headed in Dreven and Kotan's direction.

Libby perked their ears, but couldn't hear what was being said. However, they presumed that Red Spirit was reporting their last day of punishment to the Leader and his Second.

They turned out to be correct, as Dreven made a signal with his tail for them to come closer.

"Alex!" Libby said in a hushed voice.

Their brother looked up, but said nothing with the hunk of flesh still between his jaws.

"Dreven is calling. Let's see what he wants."

Alex frowned, but got up, still carrying the haunch. Libby left their own scraps behind and headed towards the Leader. When they got there, Dreven gestured to the Leader's Cave.

He, Kotan, Libby and Alex went inside, while Red Spirit was dismissed.

"Enjoy your meal," Dreven said half-jokingly as he saw that Alex had taken his meat inside. "But clean up my cave if you make a mess, please."

Libby's brother simply grunted.

Dreven looked at Kotan as the wolves settled in a circle, but then started to speak himself. "Red Spirit has reported to me that you two have completed your punishment. Is that correct?"

Libby nodded excitedly. "Yes, Dreven. I caught the last grouse today." They tried to tune out their brother's chewing sounds.

"Well done. Then, I hereby officially release you both of your punishment. However, there is one more thing I'll ask of you."

Libby blinked, but then remembered, especially as they saw both Dreven and Kotan were looking at Alex. He dropped a part of his bloody meat and blinked. "You want me to talk to Sandy."

"Yes. I wanted to wait until after your punishment was over so you wouldn't be distracted. But I feel the time has come. Visit Sandy one last time and tell her to meet us at Rabbit Rocks in three days' time at dawn. She's allowed to bring four dogs, and tell her I'll bring four wolves. We'll discuss the matters of peace then. But outside of that there'll be no more visiting! Your mentors will make sure of that!"

Dark Stones #1: The Rising DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now