Happy Birthday

173 3 1

Gotham, New Jersey

Roy helped waited for Lian to finish putting her shoes on while he talked to the three of you.

"You guys sure you can handle this?"

"It's a six year old's birthday party." You said. "I'm sure we'll figure it out."

"Okay. I trust you guys."

"You probably shouldn't to be honest." Jason joked.

"Get outta here and let us work." Dick told him.

"Alright, alright. Come on, pumpkin!"


She came out of her room and waved goodbye.

"See you later, kid."

They went out the door and left the three of you alone.

"Alright. Where should we start?"


Jason was in the kitchen putting the finishing touches on the cake, you were decorating in the living room, and Dick had just come through the door with the presents. Hailey quickly followed behind him as she ran into the room.

"What'd you get her?" You asked him.

"A doll, some books, and some nail polish. Seems like something she'd like."

"Alright!" Jason yelled from the kitchen as he carried the cake into the living room. "All done!"

"She's gonna love it."

You heard tiny footsteps and heavy breathing coming towards you. As Jason went to put the cake on the table, Hailey zoomed through the room and ran through Jasons legs. He jumped back and dropped the cake on the floor.

"Oh shit."

"Great going, Jay."

"It was your stupid dog!"

"She's not stupid!"

"Stop fighting!" You yelled. "We have an hour before Roy gets here with Lian. We need to fix this."

"Dick, clean up the cake while me and Mari make a new one."

"Don't tell me what to do."

"Dick, clean up the cake while me and Jason make a new one!"


The two of you went to the kitchen and took out the baking supplies. You preheated the oven as he mixed the batter. Dick came in a few minutes later and stood next to you.

"All done. How can I help?"

"You can start by locking that rat of yours in the bathroom." Jason told his brother.

"You're just mad because she's cuter than you."

"At least I don't lick my own ass."

While Jason was putting the cake in the oven, you picked up the phone and called Roy.

"Hey, babe."

"Quick question. What's your ETA?"

"About thirty minutes. Why?"

"We need at least forty five."

"What happened?"

"Long story."

"Just hurry."

You hung up and waited for the cake to be done. Once the timer went off, you put on some mitts and quickly took it out the oven. Dick grabbed a spatula and dipped it in the icing before covering the cake.

"Dick, you're an idiot!" Your brother yelled.


"You have to wait for the cake to cool off before you ice it!"

What're you talking about-, oh." The icing began to melt all over the cake and dripped onto the counter. "My bad."

"We have to start over."

"We don't have time!" You stated. "Roy and Lian will be here in ten minutes!"

"Fuck it." Jason sighed. He held up a jar of sprinkles and poured it on the cake. "Hopefully she won't notice."

A few minutes later, Roy opened the door and covered Lian's eyes as he led her into the apartment.

"What're you doing, Daddy?"

"It's a surprise."

You set the cake down on the table and stood in the living room and waited. They walked in and he let her open her eyes.

"Surprise!" You all yelled.

"A party?"

"It's for you, kiddo."

She hugged each of you before standing on her toes to look at the cake.

"So...what do you think?"

You all waited for her response as she stared at it. She smiled and turned to you.

"It's beautiful!"


"It looks like a rainbow!"

She laughed and went over to the table where her presents were sitting. Roy put his arms around your waist and laughed.

"What the hell is that?"

"It's our beautiful rainbow cake."

"It was a last minute thing." Jason corrected.


"You know it looks good."

"Thank you guys for everything. She's so excited."

"Of course. She's a great kid."

"I love you." He whispered in your ear.

"I love you too."

He softly kissed you placed his hands on your waist.

"Keep your hands to yourself, Harper." Dick warned.

"Yeah. You might be our friend, but she's out baby sister."

"Jason, I'm older than you."

"But I'm taller."

You rolled your eyes and playfully punched them in the arm. Roy cut everyone a piece of cake and you all sat around the table.

"Are you having fun, Lian?"

"Yeah! I love this cake!"

"We're glad."

"Happy birthday, Lian."

"See? I told you we'd figure it out."

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