"My Name is Bail Organa, I'm the Senator of Alderaan." he added.

"The pleasure is on my side, Senator Organa." you greeted back with a small smile.

As always, when on official duty, you didn't wear your crimson mask. Even though you didn't like it that way, you convinced yourself that it was necessary.

Next in line was a smaller female Senator.

"My name is Padmé Amidala, Senator of Naboo. It is nice to finally meet you."

As expected of a lady, she placed her hand in yours, on which you gave her a simple but respectful bow in return and then put your hands behind your back again.

The last one was surrounded by clone troopers with red stripes on their armour.

"Then you must be the infamous Chancellor Palpatine. I've heard a lot about you." you greet him first with a formal bow.

The older man copies your gesture before responding.

"I hope only good."

You do not bother to engage further in such a pointless conversation and instead turn your attention to the two Jedi you've spotted.

"Greetings Master Kenobi, it has been quite a while since our last meeting. Jedi Knight Skywalker, how are the front lines doing?" you say and greet them with a slight bow of respect, "Padawan Tano, it seems to me that you've grown quite a bit."

The little Togruta blushes a bit and then bows down as well while thanking you for the compliment.

"We shouldn't let the other Senators wait for your appearance any longer." the Chancellor said and began to lead the way with the clones instantly following behind him.

"Is there an event I wasn't informed of?" you ask Master Kenobi a little confused.

"You mean you weren't informed about your own speech?" the Jedi answered in a bit of shock and in response you just raise your eyebrow for a moment and looked ahead again, without saying another word.

After an eventless speeder ride you arrive at the senate building and were greeted by some blue guards. They accompanied you into the building and placed you in the same place as Senator Organa. On some kind of balcony, you spotted the three Jedi looking at you with concern but instead of looking stressed, you just gently smiled at them. Discussions were rushing through every corner of the room, opinions and different point of views were exchanged restlessly about the most trivial topics, but still with a passion that could rival yours. The hall was full of chatter before the Chancellor himself pleaded for silence for the arrival of their long-awaited guest.

Confidently you stepped out and a large hologram of you was displayed in the middle of the room as you began to hold your spontaneous speech:

"Ladies and gentlemen of the Republic Senate, esteemed Chancellor, and distinguished Senators.

I stand before you today as the Lord of Nathema, a planet that has long been hidden from the eyes of the galaxy. It is an honor to address this esteemed assembly and to have the opportunity to express my thoughts on the future of the Republic and the potential alliance between Nathema and the Republic. Since the day I assumed the mantle of leadership on Nathema, my vision has been to foster peace, prosperity, and unity for my people. We have made significant strides in rebuilding our planet and establishing a society that values justice, equality, and freedom. Nathema has flourished under my rule, and we have become self-sufficient in many aspects.

However, as I stand here today, I cannot help but recognize the immense power and potential that lies within the Republic. The Republic represents a collective strength, a force that can shape the destiny of the galaxy and bring about positive change. It is a force that I believe could greatly benefit Nathema and its people. Yet, I also acknowledge that the Republic is vast and diverse, encompassing countless worlds with unique cultures, traditions, and needs. As the ruler of Nathema, I have witnessed firsthand the transformative power of local governance and the ability to tailor policies to meet the specific needs of our people.

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