9. FAQs

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How do I know if I'm eligible to participate in the events?For all events in the festival, everyone is welcome and encouraged to participate whether you're a new or old artist/writer/reader

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How do I know if I'm eligible to participate in the events?
For all events in the festival, everyone is welcome and encouraged to participate whether you're a new or old artist/writer/reader.

For both Fan Art Exhibition and Fandom Awards specifically, there are no regulations on who can participate, however, for your entries to be eligible, they must abide by the outlined guidelines that are respectively stated here and here.

One thing that is a guideline for all events is that your entries must follow the Content Guidelines outlined by Wattpad, and that the entries should be fandom-related in one way or the other.

Can I start writing/creating my fanfiction/fanart before the submission forms are released?
Yes, absolutely! The submission forms first go live on August 1st, 2023, but you can start writing/creating already on July 1st, 2023! Remember, the forms close again on August 31st, 2023, so the sooner you start the better!

You can find all important dates and times mentioned in the Schedule chapter

Do I have to follow the prompt? Or can I write/make my own story/art freely?
The Community Quests may or may not have prompts, depending on the activity. Please, consult the specific activity's detail to know whether a prompt is involved. If there is a prompt, unless stated otherwise, you should assume that it should be followed.

For Fan Art Exhibition and Fandom Awards, there are no prompts nor theme provided and the guidelines have been designed to be as general and non-restrictive as possible. However, for Fan Art Exhibition one of the criteria is that your entry should be considered fanart and pay homage to a fandom. For Fandom Awards, your entry should be original written by you and its primary genre should be fanfiction.

Can I incorporate a sub-genre into my story/art?
Yes, you can incorporate any sub-genre as long as it follows the Content Guidelines and the guidelines specified.

Can I submit an entry co-written/co-created with a friend?
For Fan Art Exhibition: No, your art must not be collaborative work.
For Fandom Awards: Yes, but if you choose to publish your story on both of your profiles, please, be aware that we can only add one story to our respective reading lists, not both. You may list the contributing authors added to your name in the form, so they will also receive credit.

Can I write a mature-rated story?
Yes, you can, as long as your story abides by Wattpad's Content Guidelines, Mature fiction may be entered into the contest based on the categories' elaborations listed in here.

Can I submit a story with LGBTQ+ Characters?
Of course, you can, this festival and Wattpad as a whole are always inclusive of LGBTQ+ characters, art, and stories. We would love to see/read about them!

What restrictions do entries have in regard to word count/format?
For stories, your fanfiction must have a minimum of 3.000 words and a maximum of 10.000 words.
For art, your fanart must be in png, jpg, or jpeg format, and be under 10MB.

How will our entries be judged?
Stories are judged on various factors, such as written quality (spelling, punctuation, and grammar), originality, and engagement (how much we enjoyed the read). You can find more about the criteria here.

Art is assessed by its creativity and originality, conceptualization and Interpretation, faithfulness to the fandom, and overall presentation

When will the results be announced?
Winners will be announced across all profiles in late November. This will give our judging teams ample time to properly assess your entries, as well, as prepare all promised rewards.

Can I write more than one fanfiction? Can I create more than one fanart?
Absolutely! You may write and create as many entries as you want, and you can also submit as many entries as you'd like. Take note of the following, though:

For Fan Art Exhibition, you can enter as many fanarts as you want, but only a maximum of two of your fanarts will be shown if more than one of your fanarts is chosen.

For Fandom Awards, you can enter as many fanfictions as you want, but the same story cannot win more than one category. Your story may also fit into multiple categories but you must choose only a maximum of three categories when submitting that it should be considered for.

How do I submit?
The forms are currently NOT OPEN. Check back on August 1st 2023!

For Fan Art Exhibition, please, submit through THIS FORM 

For Fandom Awards, please, submit through THIS FORM

Also, don't forget to let your followers know you've written/created something new! You can even encourage them to participate as well!


Please, be aware to direct any further questions to our inbox as we may not always pick them up in the comments. Somebody will get back to you as soon as they're able to.

Please make sure you read carefully the Content Guidelines and that your entries follow these guidelines. Content violations, whether written or graphical, will be reported to Wattpad.

Happy Festival!

Fandom Family Festival 2023Where stories live. Discover now