Chapter Two

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Really, really bright lights.

The brightest I've ever seen. The closest to the sun that I've ever seen.

My eyes quickly flick open and I look around. Morning's come, and the scientists are back for more tests. I look around my cage before rolling onto my stomach, rather than my back. My hands press against the cold cement floor and I push myself up onto my feet. I quickly notice that Dan isn't here this time, only three others. I think this is the other test; or, rather, examination, that I hate.

"Step out of the cage, 9617," the first scientist says, unlocking it and removing several backup padlocks. I slowly step out, cautious of what may be happening.

"You know this one, 9617. It's time for your bi-weekly checkup again," a different scientist says. I sigh loudly and begin removing my lab clothes until I'm fully naked.

"Take the measurements," the second scientist speaks again, handing the third one a tape measure.

"Height: 5 foot, 9.75 inches," the third scientist says, "1.77 meters."

I step onto a scale, feeling the cold metal on my bare feet.

"Weight: 186.5 pounds. Approximately 84.6 kilograms," the first scientist chimes in.

This checkup may not seem so bad, but it's extremely awkward and uncomfortable. And what comes next may make it seem worse.

"Dr. Burns, arm and leg length, please. Dr. Heyman, you know what to do." The second scientist once again directs the other two. The first scientist (Dr. Burns I guess) walks over with the tape measure to, obviously, measure my arms and legs.

Dr. Heyman does something far worse. Actually, if it weren't what he was about to do, these tests might not be so bad.

Dr. Heyman quickly pulls on some blue surgical gloves, releasing each one with a snap. He looks me up and down and slowly steps over to me. I cringe a little, stepping closer to the wall I'm in front of.

"Hey, 9617. Hold still, don't walk away." Dr. Burns says while handing Dr. Heyman a second tape measure.

Dr. Heyman walks over until his body is almost pressed against mine, a mere couple of inches from my chest. Without breaking eye contact, he reaches down and wraps his hand around my "nob." He finally looks away, reaching his other hand down to measure.

"Looks like 5.9 inches, or about 15.1 centimetres, while flaccid," Dr. Hayman says. After Dr. Burns spouts some stupid measurements in inches and feet, as well as metres and centimetres, Dr. Heyman adds another measurement.

"Looks like 7.5 inches while erect. That's about 19.1 centimetres," he adds. He finally releases my nob, after looking me in the eyes again.

"Get dressed," the second scientist orders me, "We'll be back in half an hour with food. After that, more tests." Dr. Burns returns me to my cage. I sigh, grabbing my clothes as the scientists leave the room.

Before getting dressed, I step back against the wall. Mindful of my wings, I slid down and sit on the floor. I resolve my "issue," being mindful to not make a mess.

I feel dirty. Sad. Lonely. Useless. Overall, though... I feel violated.

After thinking for a while, I get dressed and return to sitting on the floor, waiting for the stupid damn scientists.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2015 ⏰

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