Chapter One: Reunited

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Earth 65

"STOP RUNNING AWAY AND SURRENDER!" the cop yelled through the Bullhorn as Gwen Stacy, aka Spider-Woman, was running away from them. Because she is still wanted for the Murder of her best friend.. Peter Parker. Who was getting picked on by bullys and took a serum that turned him into the Lizard. Forcing Gwen to stop him. She didn't know that it was him the Enitre time.. her father saw her holding Peter's lifeless body and made think that she was drinking his blood. Which isn't true.. Gwen was so frustrated with all of this. Even though she stops criminals and even cleans up the mess for them. But yet... they still treat her like a criminal. Gwen leaps off the Rooftops and shot out her web, and starts swinging away from the cops.

"Can this day get anything worse!" Gwen thought to herself, not wanting to deal with all of this drama. She quickly lets go of her web and lands in an alleyway and hides behind a garbage dumpster as the cops drive past her. Gwne sighs in relief that she finally got the cops off of her back for now.. ish.. but she felt like her mind wasn't in the right place at the time.. for the past few months. Gwen has always been thinking about her best friend. Miles Morales Earth 1610 aka Spider-Man. She really missed him so much. She even started to learn about physics on traveling through dimensions just to her friend again and the rest of the Spider-Fam. She wouldn't mind seeing them all again. But sometimes, she wishes a miracle would happen or a sign to find a way to see her friends again. She sighs and web swing herself up to one of the rooftops just to get out of the alleyway. Gwen looks at the sky. She thought to herself that Miles' universe was much more beautiful sky than her dimension's sky. Gwen sat down on the edge of the rooftop. Letting her legs swing as she watched the view of her home, without anyone trying to ruin the moment for her...

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