Small Update

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I've almost given up on this story completely, good gods

But! Here's a snippet of the first chapter I plan on sharing :,3

Third Person POV


Dei, a small anthropomorphic fox, grimaced. Squinting their eyes, they slowly turned to see the blonde-haired girl with freckles standing behind them. Their sister. Well, Dei chose to see Sawyer as their sister, but the older girl didn't seem to take kindly to such thoughts. Which sucks, because Sawyer was pretty cool.

Entering the room, an older man, with hair so dark brown it almost looked raven black and a bit of a stubble crossed his arms and leaned against the doorframe. Dei often thought he looked like a hobo. "Come on, kids.. we can't be fighting this early. We have work to do." A few grey hairs coming in and eyebags under his eyes, Pryr also thought he looked like a hobo. 

"Work? But dad, it's-" The fox was cut off from their thoughts as their father cleared his throat and gave them a stern look. Sighing, Dei returned the sweater, "just thought it looked nice.."

She couldn't stay upset with the fox, could she? Sawyer sighed not too long after and smiled, "next time, ask, okay? You know this sweater means a lot to me." The blonde would've went on to explain, but wasn't able to. She watched as Dei nodded and wrung their tail, "don't do that, you're going to make your fur fall out even more. Then you'll be shedding like him over there." Sawyer grinned, pointing her thumb at Pryr.

Dei laughed with their almost-sister, ignoring their father's massive eyeroll. They let go of their tail and began following Sawyer out of the room, "Hey, SJ? Do you ever think about the city? Do you ever miss it?.." The fox wondered. Dei stopped as Sawyer stopped, seemingly frozen, "hey, you don't- don't have to answer if you can't..." Not this again, anything but this again. Dei walked ahead and got in front of Sawyer, looking her in the eyes.

"It's fine. I don't actually miss it.. I like it better out here, actually." Sawyer confessed. She seemed to return to normal, having been broken out of her somber trance. She ruffled Dei's fur before making her way to the kitchen, with the fox on her tail.

That's all, it's 3:46 in the morning and I should be asleep. Hope you enjoyed!!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2023 ⏰

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