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Leader: Foxstar- dark red she-cat with amber eyes

Deputy: Leafstorm- light brown tabby she-cat with green eyes

Apprentice Dewpaw

Medicine Cat: Smokewhisp- smokey-grey she-cat with black stripes and deep blue eyes

Apprentice Sunpaw


Hollywhisker- black she-cat with green eyes

Redwing- red-colored she-cat with green eyes

Apprentice Moonpaw

Silvershore- beautiful silver she-cat with water-blue eyes

Goldenflow- orange she-cat with deep blue eyes

Apprentice Rushingpaw

Nightrush- black tom with brown eyes

Tigercloud- dark brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes

Apprentice Lynxpaw

Darkstorm- black long-haired tom with yellow eyes

Cloudsky- white she-cat with green eyes

Apprentice Frostpaw

Soulflower- black and white she-cat with amber eyes

Lightwing- white she-cat with blue eyes

Apprentice Berrypaw

Darkfrost- black she-cat with pale blue eyes

Mothflame- dark grey tabby she-cat with brown eyes

Apprentice Honeypaw

Sweetpelt- cream-colored she-cat with brown eyes

Spottedbrook- beautiful calico she-cat with amber eyes

Apprentice Flarepaw

Olivebranch- black and white tom with yellow eyes

Willowfur- brown she-cat with green eyes

Apprentice Rosepaw

Aldertail- ginger tom with brown eyes

Brightpool- white and orange she-cat with blue eyes

Apprentice Mintpaw

Starlingcloud- sable she-cat with bright yellow eyes

Yellowtail- grey she-cat with yellow eyes

Apprentice Dawnpaw

Firesong- ginger she-cat with green eyes

Snowshine- white she-cat with deep blue eyes

Apprentice Emberpaw

Lightningstrike- dark grey she-cat with electric blue eyes

Nightdaze- black she-cat with dark purple eyes

Apprentice Breezepaw

Firespirit- golden-colored she-cat with brown eyes

Ghostfrost- very pale she-cat with deep blue eyes


Dewpaw- gray tabby she-cat with amber eyes

Sunpaw- golden tabby she-cat with green eyes

Moonpaw- beautiful silver she-cat with bright blue eyes

Rushingpaw- blue-grey tom with brown stripes and yellow eyes

Lynxpaw- white she-cat with golden patches and light blue eyes

Frostpaw- white tom with pale blue eyes

Berrypaw- pale blue and white calico she-cat with pale green eyes

Honeypaw- ginger she-cat with hazel eyes

Flarepaw- pale ginger she-cat with bright blue eyes

Rosepaw- beautiful tortoiseshell she-cat with amber eyes

Mintpaw- pale grey she-cat with green eyes

Dawnpaw- cream-colored she-cat with amber eyes

Emberpaw- orange she-cat with green eyes

Breezepaw- black she-cat with electric blue eyes

Queens and Kits

Risingdusk- beautiful silver she-cat with green eyes

Crowkit- black tom-kit with deep blue eyes

Larkkit- red-brown she-kit with green eyes

Mosskit- black and grey she-kit with pale blue eyes

Flashkit- orange-colored tom-kit with green eyes

Bluestorm- blue-grey she-cat with hazel eyes

Blackkit- black she-kit with brown eyes

Whitekit- white tom-kit with yellow eyes

Morningkit- golden-colored she-kit with hazel eyes

Mistkit- blue-grey tom-kit with green eyes

Featherberry- black and white she-cat with yellow eyes

Cloudkit- white-she-kit with blue eyes

Mudkit- dark brown tom-kit with yellow eyes

Ashkit- black and white she-kit with green eyes

Tumblekit- cream-colored tom-kit with brown eyes

Sleetfoot- cream-colored she-cat with brown eyes

Minnowkit- beautiful silver she-kit with deep blue eyes

Lionkit- golden-colored tom-kit with brown eyes

Palekit- very pale she-kit with green eyes

Flamekit- red-colored tom-kit with brown eyes


Thawstep- white and grey tom with yellow eyes

Driftskip- blue-grey she-cat with green eyes

Icefang- white tom with deep blue eyes

Yarrowpool- golden tabby she-cat with hazel eyes

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