Chapter 2

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"You out of tune harpsichord what have you done!?!" Melvinborg screamed at me while we both were lying on the ground after the time toad had crashed now clearly broken. I glared back at him "What do you mean what did I do I did nothing you were the one who made this thing so what did you do!". Melvinborg just scoffed and started standing up causing me to follow his actions and stand up as well. 

"Great the time toad is completely destroyed what a great start to this trip". I just rolled my eyes at him "You're saying it like we haven't just traveled back in time". He decided to ignore me and instead look around at our surroundings. "Well, it seems we did make it to the right place and not some dangerous place so that's at least a good thing". Without telling me anything he pulled the broken time toad into a bush and then just started walking away. I quickly caught up with him and asked where we were going. 

He scoffed at me like I had just asked the most stupid question you could ever ask. "Well, you dead battery unless you want to sleep outside we are going to have to find a place to sleep". Without saying anything I just nodded my head and followed him because he seemed like he had an idea of a place we could go. We ended up outside a very fancy-looking hotel. "Do we even have the money to get a room in this place?" I asked because I hadn't even thought about bringing any money. 

Melvinborg just pulled out his wallet showing me his money. "Of course, you wouldn't think about needing money this is why I'm the brains of this operation" I was about to argue with him but before I could get a word in he had already started walking into the building. The lady at the front desk was very nice and she gave us a very nice room we were very lucky because she told us that the place was normally always fully booked we had just come in at the right time.

When we got into the room I immediately fell on my bed and let out a huge sigh that I hadn't realized I had been holding in. Melvinborg started setting stuff up though and I slowly sat up considering if I should ask what he was doing or if I should just enjoy the silence for a while but the silence went right out the window when Melvinborg started talking about his plan. He wanted to dress up like a creepy-looking dude and get Krupp fired so he could be the new principal and get himself into his school. 

I knew he really wanted to do this and try to get this right so I gave him my best smile and told him it sounded like a great plan but him being Melvin couldn't help but tell me that he made the plan so it was obviously great. After a few minutes of talking and plan thinking we both decided to get some sleep because even though it would just be him going out tomorrow he still wanted me to do stuff. 

Melvinborg always had the tendency to wake up super early he was an early bird and let's just say I'm not. So I woke up to Melvinborg wearing his stupid disguise and I ended up screaming he laughed at me at first calling me a headless chicken or something like that then told me that he would be back soon I'm not going to lie I was still half asleep while he was talking so it was just going in then back out. 

When I woke up more the realisation hit me like a bus. Yesterday had been so stressful since the time toad crashing and breaking that one I hadn't realized that we are actually stuck here for god knows long and that we are in the past! I started thinking about if I would see my younger self and if I had changed a lot. I didn't really keep any pictures of me being young because I just found it a bit silly so did Melvinbrog. 

I also started thinking about timelines and if we were really going to muck it up. What would happen if Melvinborg into his dream school what would happen would he disappear...would I disappear because if he disappeared then I wouldn't have even been able to get to the past trust me I'm not that smart. The whole timeline thinking just ended up hurting my head so I just gave up thinking about it I would leave Melvinborg to do that thinking. 

After a few more hours Melvinborg finally returned and was grinning from ear to ear. "Why are you so happy did the plan work". Melvinborg chucked his mask on the ground "Of course it worked those idiots totally believed that I was on their side and wanted to help them and I got my younger self to help them as well so that they don't muck up the plan". He then turned to face me "Sorry I was gone that long I hadn't realized the time and you must have gotten so bored without me". 

I just gave out a little chuckle "Oh yes because the great Melvinborg wasn't with me I fell into a deep depression" I dramatically put my hand on my head. I heard him give a light chuckle which I was happy about since after his accident with his car he doesn't normally laugh that much anymore so being the one able to do it made me feel like I was just a tiny bit important. While we were both just sitting in silence I remembered wondering about the time toad. 

"So what's happening with the time toad how is that going to get fixed and how long do you think it will take to fix it". Melvinborg stopped what he was doing for a second then went back to it "It will most likely take me a few months to fix it but the hard part in this situation right now is getting the parts to rebuild it but if the plan works which it should I will hopefully be able to get the parts quickly". I just started slowly nodding thinking about what it's going to be like stuck here for months. But I couldn't help but feel the blush rise to my face thinking about being stuck with just Melvinborg just the two of us.  

I quickly pushed those thoughts out of my mind reminding myself that he was my literal best friend. I somehow ended up sitting on the floor while Melvinborg was boasting about how he was finally going to get his happy ending and that he was going to right all the wrongs that happened in his childhood he then gave me a glance saying that I will also be apart of the plan. While he was talking I felt myself start to slowly drift off to sleep I was just happy he was happy. 

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