A Falsified Half Truth: Part #4

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"We are honored and I speak for the entire Militia we accept" Luaffgarr spoke raising fist placed upon breast. "Entire militia how many are there. Is this not the total sum" I asked "Nay they have little over ten thousand and that's not including the recruits around ten times their very numbers themselves" Thor spoke up. "We are the greatest warriors of our race. It's no longer a Protectorate anymore you lead but an army of hardened Warriors Milady wishes their command." Luaffgarr replied back "Luaffgarr join Loki and Thor and you shall lead your father's men at their sides into battle equal in status. For I believe your father's Militia has a need for a new leader" As he nodded I spoke "Rise Luaffgarr leader of the Istani Militia General of the Guard. Rise and take your place. Lead your men and lead them proud."

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