"I'm not up for joking right now, Chivaaree. But is your sister okay with publicizing her return? No one even knew she's set foot on Thailand soil. I'll try to see what I can do about the photo source. Don't go out for now. I will tell them about the college photos." Win says but he remembers the extra work assigned to him by P'Jennie.

Bright's the only employee/artist who has not passed the stress evaluation sheets. Win decides to bring it up.

"Also, before I forget, where is your stress evaluation sheet? I need it." Win tells the person on the other line.

"What about a bet, Metawin?" Bright challenges.

"Depends on the terms, Chivaaree." Win answers.

"I'll show you my results but only if we compare scores. Whichever has higher stress scores will do something for the other." Bright proposes.

"Why is the more stressed one giving the favor? That's unfair. For sure, it'll be me." Win says and glances at the 80 in his sheet.

"Well, we're not typical people. For a change. Come on, Win." Bright persuades him.

"Okay, as long as I have that document on my desk, Bright. Tell me your score." Win states.

"Mine's 100. What should I do for you, Mr. PR manager?" Bright teasingly asks Win.

"Fine. Allow me to take a break from my job today. Do something about the rumors." Win tells him.

He was kind of feeling bad but he knew that Bright wouldn't have proposed the bet if he's not getting something out of it so Win is sure there has to be something. That's why he's playing his charade.

"Done, Metawin." Bright answers.

"Be honest with me, Bright. What's in it for you?" Win queries.

"She has always been in charge of the narrative. It's time I take the wheel, don't you think?" Bright says.

"I'm not a saint. I will not stop you. But don't go over your limits, please." Win reminds him.

"I'm just stirring the pot, Metawin. Don't worry about me. The next day, I'll still be bugging the hell out of you." Bright assures him.

"Should've ended with the second sentence. Good luck or whatever. Bye." Win says.

Unlike Win's previous sighs, this one's a sigh of relief. Don't get him wrong, he still feels bad for Bright because even though he's a nasty bug in his life, there had been bad things in his way that he didn't deserve. Things that Win could not wish even the worst of his enemies.

He comes back to their office space. He receives a text from Off saying that Bright decides on a press conference where he can answer some questions but it will also be a chance for fans to bond with Bright. Dual purpose.

The article was wrong and Win cannot believe he was saying this about the guy who bugs his mornings and causes him to lose sleep during nights but the poster was wrong because the reason why Bright was never one for scandals is because he's genuine. He cannot be compelled to do things he does not want to do. Win just cannot comment on his decision-making because the guy is deciding to push all his wrong buttons.

Win stands up from his chair and sends out the instruction to his team.

"Hello, guys. There have been developments to the issue at hand. First, we will not comment much on the issue with Bright. We will debunk the dating rumor between us by proving the photos were promotional photos for the university. Film, please coordinate with the university for this. Love, please write the article as soon as the university responds. Tu, please attend to the calls from the news sites right now. Tell them we are denying it and details will be available in a little while. For other concerns, Bright has decided to do a press con to stop the rumors about his private life at once. The event will be held tomorrow at the Samsung Hall, he invited his fan club and the press. As for me, I would follow updates on the rumor and Bright's press con. Let's get to work, guys!" Win instructs.

Behind the StarsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora