I could feel my eyes tearing up by each passing second, "Me too" I softly uttered, "Only I know how I've spent all those years, everyone used to tell me that I'll forget about it once I move forward in my life but I couldn't, I achieved everything but there was this space in heart which I could never fill. I tried getting close with other people but it felt like as though it's physically and emotionally impossible for me to open up that space for anyone else."

He hummed in response knowing that I might have had something more to say.

"I thought it was only me who felt that way, I thought it was gonna end up like the stories of those little teenage girls" I chuckled saying that.

He wrapped his arm around my shoulder keeping me closer, "It's definitely valid to feel that way, once we catch feelings, it never dies, maybe suppressed but it'll stay there forever."

I chuckled and kissed his cheek quickly before he could react and said, "That's for being ridiculously smart."

He frowned playfully as a small smile slipped through his lips, "I'll pay you back later" he said while scrolling through movies and shows on tv.

After a while of discussing we decided on watching F4 Thailand instead. It low-key ended up being like this : us watching it together for the first hour and then me playing with Soonie for the next half an hour and Minho falling asleep since then. No wonder why Jieun told me that he was tired with all the work at the clinic.

I looked at the time and it was almost lunch. I stood up and stretched a bit not knowing what to do and then looked over at Minho. He was so deep in his sleep that he didn't even flinch when I got up.

I checked my phone to have met with a series of chat notifications. It was from Vernon. I sighed and walked out of the room silently in order to not disturb Minho's sleep.

I dailed his number and called him, "Vernon? What's wrong?" I asked being concerned as soon as he picked up.

"Suyoung things have happened here, it's getting out of my hand, there had been some misunderstanding regarding the delivery and the modelling agency has taken legal actions against us" he replied making me frown, "What are you talking about? What misunderstanding regarding delivery..."

"You need to come back here...they say that the products were damaged" he sighed over the call.

I stayed silent trying to understand, "Did you call our legal team?"

"Yeah the investigating team is doing the work right now...I'll keep updating you"

My heart felt heavy, I was getting anxious, handling a legal case always left long lasting impact on the company as well as employees and I didn't wanna concern anyone amidst the wedding, "Yes please do and keep it from getting public, we don't wanna garner attention, I'll be back right after Jackson's wedding."

"Who are you talking to?" Minho whispered in his sleepy voice as he wrapped his arms around my waist from the back and rested his head on my shoulder.

I didn't notice he was awake, I was probably too busy stressing about the issue.

"I'll call you later Vernon, take care" I sighed and ended the call.

"Oh I wish I took a picture of the sleeping beauty" I chuckled and turned towards him, "Oh look at you looking all- wait...do you have a fever..." I quickly touched his forehead and it was burning.

"I do?" his voice sounded weak.

"You very much do Sir, you need some rest, come with me" I pulled away lead him to his room where I made the bed and made him lay down although he insisted that he was alright.

"You literally look pale what do you mean you're fine, you work too much don't you? The way you're a doctor and you have no idea if you have a fever or no" I scolded him softly for being insensitive of his own health.

"Maybe I got it from a patient, plenty of flu cases are coming in these days, it's because of the seasonal change, Autumn is coming" he replied pulling up the blanket to cover himself, "You better not stay too close to me."

"I didn't quite hear you" I smiled and kissed his forehead.

"Sorry for ruining the date as well"

"Huh? Ruining the date? I'd rather stay here taking care of you than having a fancy date" I rolled my eyes, "Now you stay here and I'll bring you some soup, your throat will feel better yeah?"

"No? You stay here and talk to me, I'll be better off that way" he said holding my hand.

"You sure you don't want it?"

"All I want right now is you to sit right beside me" he replied softly, "All these years, whenever I had fever or I was sick there was literally no one here, please be here for me."

I nodded and sat down beside him, "Okay then, place your head here" I said tapping on my lap.

"Huh?" he frowned.

"Do it, c'mon..."

He weakly shifted near me and kept his head on my lap. I laughed at how confused he was, I took off my finger rings and softly massaged his forehead, "Tzuyu used to do this whenever I was sick, she said granny taught her, it felt so good."

"God it indeed does, do you know why it felt good? It's because when we have co-"

"Okay stop" I shook my head smiling, "My guy has a fever and still feels the need to give me physiology lessons."

He chuckled and closed his eyes. In a few minutes I felt him relaxing and soon he feel asleep again. The first few minutes after that I texted Vernon talking about the details and then I dozed off as well.

When I woke up Minho was already up and looking blankly into the ceiling.

"What are you looking at?" I asked while stretching.

"I forgot that I ordered lunch...and it's already 8 pm...aren't you hungry?" he sounded so apologetic in an adorable way that I couldn't help but laugh loudly, "How are you now?" I asked.

"Better than before"

"Yeah the fever is down, so let's go, let's complete our date" I said while standing up from the bed.

He smiled and nodded at that.

It was night afterall, although the day wasn't totally exceptional but it was enough for me to call it a date. We both freshed up and together and prepared the dinner table, he looked cheered up and more energetic than he did in the morning and that made my day.

During the whole dinner time we talked about everything that we didn't know about each other, knowing our opinions on each other and giving each other compliments every now and then, that was perfect.

"Did you tell your parents where you're going?" he asked while sipping on his drink.

"Mom and Dad? Naah, what are they gonna do? Kick me out?" I raised my brows and then scoffed, "Nobody cares about me anyways."

"Then probably I identify as nobody from now on" he frowned playfully.

"Minho...I wouldn't stick to your memories if I didn't know that...I want peace in my life now, enough of running away, enough of confronting people, enough of chasing behind" I said looking down towards my feet.

He sighed and nodded, "Same here, it's hard finding comfort in everyone but then I found you and since then I never felt the need of leaving my comfort zone, we are so different in personality but to look at it carefully we dealt with the same life, same patterns...we are the same."

That brought a smile in my face, "Yes we are."

"Can we get through this? This last time?" he asked looking at me intently, his voice expressed the fear and anxiety behind the question.

"You know what...'no' was never an option, we are doing it or doing it, we won't take it any other way" I said gave him a kiss on his cheek, "I'm staying tonight."

"Alright wifey"

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