Chapter 2

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The palace was bustling as preparations began for my departure. I needed a new wardrobe, my belongings needed to be packed and I needed to be prepared for the American culture.

One thing my mother taught me before she died that a woman must entirely conform to her husbands culture. Despite her Russian roots, she exuded the essence of an English upbringing. As such I was reading and absorbing every piece of information I could, like my life depended on it. In order to have a successful relationship with my husband and his family I needed to be perfect.

Another part of this was having excellent Ladies in Waiting. As I was going to be the future Queen of America I needed Ladies in Waiting. I could take three with me who would integrate into America with me and nine would be given to me in America. I needed the three I chose here to be elegant, intelligent and beautiful. I was dreading through stacks of applications trying to find the perfect fit. These would be confidants. I needed to trust them. While I did enjoy Lady Antonia's company she was only sixteen. Lady Priscilla was the daughter of a Duke but she lacked natural elegance. Eventually I settled on my three. Lady Aurelia, daughter of a Duke, she was beautiful and had the elegance of a swan gliding across the shimmering surface of a tranquil lake. Lady Drusilla, she was a daughter of an earl and known for her intellect. Finally, Miss Cecilia, while she was of the lowest rank on the aristocratic ladder, she was know for her beauty and quick wit. She would be an asset to me. These ladies arrived at place to help me prepare and finalise my wardrobe. I had a total of 80 new outfits all done in American fashion.

"Your Highness," Miss Cecilia's voice brought me back to reality. "Your bother has arrived."

"Thank you, Cecilia," I acknowledged her swift notification.

With regal grace, my brother entered the room, I slid into a flawless curtsy.

"Sister," he declared, his voice carrying the weight of authority. "I see everything is proceeding as it should."

"Indeed it is," I responded, my tone filled with assurance.

A glimmer of intrigue sparked in his eyes as he presented me with a gift, a jewelry box adorned with secrets. Within it lay a breathtaking bracelet, crafted from gleaming gold, its majestic allure enhanced by the radiant embrace of rubies and diamonds. The sheer opulence of the piece spoke volumes of the fortune he had invested. Gratitude overwhelmed me as I enveloped him in a heartfelt embrace.

"Thank you, Maximus," I uttered, the depth of my appreciation echoing in those few simple words.

His voice softened, laden with the bittersweet pang of farewell. "No problem, baby. I want you to know that I will deeply miss you."

"And I, too, shall miss you," I replied, sincerity coloring my words. As I clasped the bracelet onto my wrist, I assumed my role once more, orchestrating the movement of those around me. The weight of impending departure settled upon my shoulders, a testament to the closeness of my journey's arrival.

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