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Hermione washed the dishes, then went into the living room, parted the curtains, and looked out the window. Before her stretched London, which she loved.

Wrapping her arms around herself, Hermione lost her thoughts. She was very glad that Harry found his family, that he was vacationing with the Weasley family.

Ron didn't invite her on this trip, and Hermione was glad of that, because she didn't know if she wanted to go or not. Stuffy London, crowded with people, corresponded to her mood. There was discord in her soul. She did not understand how, after the Final Battle, someone could rest easy and pretend that nothing had happened. She constantly thought about the battle, about what the wizarding world would be like. And Draco fit into those thoughts so organically.

Hermione's gaze lingered on the bustling streets of London, the city that held a multitude of memories and stories.

It was a place of contradictions, where the vibrant energy of its inhabitants clashed with the weight of Hermione's own introspection. As she stood by the window, she couldn't help but feel a sense of isolation, even amidst the sea of people below.

Her thoughts were consumed by the aftermath of the Final Battle, a clash that had forever altered the wizarding world. While some celebrated the victory and found solace in the return to normalcy, Hermione couldn't simply set aside the memories of loss, sacrifice, and the battles yet to be fought.

She wondered how anyone could carry on as if the war had never happened, as if the scars and wounds, both physical and emotional, were inconsequential.

The weight of responsibility still pressed upon her shoulders, driving her to envision a world where justice and equality prevailed, where prejudice and darkness were eradicated.

Draco Malfoy, once a symbol of their shared enmity, now occupied a peculiar space in Hermione's thoughts.

It fascinated her how he fit into her musings about the future of the wizarding world, as if he held the key to unraveling the complexities that plagued their society

A part of her resented this preoccupation, this unspoken connection that defied logic and reason.

But another part, one hidden deep within her heart, longed to understand Draco, to uncover the layers that concealed his true nature. It was a curiosity that sparked a flicker of empathy and a desire for reconciliation.

Hermione found solace in the knowledge that Harry had finally found the love and acceptance he deserved within the Weasley family. Ron's absence on their vacation provided her with a reprieve, sparing her the awkwardness of facing unresolved feelings and unspoken desires. She still couldn't decipher the complexities of her emotions.

It was already quite dark outside; the lights were on. Hermione was not surprised when a large black owl sat on the windowsill with a letter. She didn't expect Draco to answer her at all. Although, perhaps, he will simply ask you not to write to her anymore? Hermione ran to the forge, brought owl biscuits, and treated the owl. She then opened the letter from Draco.


To be honest, I am surprised by your letter. Mom is fine. Me too. Thank you. Lucius got what he deserved, do not console yourself with the hope that there was at least something human left in him. I'm surprised you're not chilling with your ginger boyfriend right now. Weasel couldn't get over his disgust at your cat or the way you curled the corners of the pages when you read another book he didn't know?

Sincerely, Draco Malfoy.»

Hermione's fingers traced the words on the letter as she absorbed Draco's unexpected response.

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