9.The Surprises That Keep Coming

Start from the beginning

"Have I told that you're my favorite witch? Because you are.."

Alice softly giggles as a small blush spreads through her face making her look down only for Henrik to lift her chin up to face him

"Never hide your beauty, Alice..you deserve so much more than what the world has to offer you"

She moves a bit closer to Henrik as she puts her other on his chest feeling his beating heart

Alice:Maybe I do but I only want you by my side, Henrik..no one else..

The space between them just like the tension closes as Henrik glances down at Alice's lips; she was gorgeous..any man would be lucky to even see her smile and he was one lucky bastard to be with her every single day since he was resurrected

Alice couldn't help herself from feeling this way..she nothing wanted more than to kiss Henrik but she was afraid, she was afraid that he wouldn't feel the same way she did for him but when she tried to say something confidently Henrik's phone rang making them both back away from each other

Henrik pulled out his phone only for it to be a text message from his sister's unfortunate timing as he turned the phone over for Alice to see and read

Alice:Elena is disguising herself as Katherine to meet up with someone?

Henrik turns the phone back over to himself as a second message comes through with Rebekah's current location which was surprisingly only an half an hour away from where they currently were

"If we go now, we'll have time to get there before they leave.."

Henrik turns to leave but he stops in his tracks and tells Alice

"I--we both know what was about to happen before that text, maybe when we're done with this..we can talk about it?"

Alice's heart skipped a beat as she tucked a strand of her golden hair behind her ear and replied back with a genuine smile

Alice:Yeah..yeah..I'd like that..

They both smiled at each other before quickly rushing out to head to Rebekah's location; as Henrik quickly picked up Alice bridal style and used his supernatural speed to take them to the car that was parked outside


Elijah hangs up his side of the call and tucks his phone as Elena who is dressed as Katherine tells the Original vampire

Elena:You're both idiots

Elijah is taken back by such a comment as he turns his head a bit

Elijah:Excuse me?

Elena sighs loudly seeing that Elijah isn't thinking straight due to Katherine being in the picture as she replies back

Elena:What happened to you, Elijah? I mean, I thought you were supposed to be a man of honor and yet you've been hooking up with Katherine this entire time?

Elijah could see that something was up with Elena; she wasn't being her usual self

Elijah:Well, I suppose this 'man of honor' always shared a connection with Katherine..

Despite after everything Katherine had done in some odd way she was still apart of Elijah's heart

Elijah:She contacted me when she learned about the cure, we thought we could be of mutual use to one another

Elena laughs at the idea of Katherine choosing to work with someone like Elijah after all it wasn't like she was that kind of person not unless she had something to gain

Elena:'Of mutual use?' Please. You fell for her trap just like every other one of those idiots

Elijah momentarily looks up from the ground as he feels a small gust of wind brush against his hair but he turns his attention back to Elena

Elijah:You underestimate me, Elena. I know who she is, I know what she's done

Elena rolls her eyes not believing for a second what Katherine could just change

Elena:And you think she's changed? She's playing you, she lied to you, Elijah..

Elijah turns back and walks up to Elena as he figures out that what t Katherine had told him was the truth

Elijah:She didn't lie to me about your transformation..

They both stare at each other as Elena sees that Katherine had told Elijah about her becoming a vampire still that wasn't the only thing that was different about her

Elijah:You're not just a vampire, though, are you? There's something else..

The look in Elena's eyes spoke to Elijah as the thousand year old vampire deduced why Elena was acting like this

Elijah:You...you're not yourself, you've abandoned your emotions. Why?

He said wanting to know what could've been so painful that made this once compassionate soul turn off her emotions

Elena:My brother's dead, your girlfriend killed him..

Elijah seems a bit shocked by this newfound information, he had respect the young Gilbert for his protests against not killing his brother Kol; but unfortunately in the end Kol was somehow killed by Elena

Before Elena could say anything back about Elijah's current reaction, her neck was snapped like a twig as she fell forward and hit the ground as Henrik stood in Elena's place

"That seems like a bit of an exaggeration, wouldn't you think?"

Henrik walks over Elena's slumped body and stands in front of Elijah as he can't help but smile seeing him

Elijah:Jeremy Gilbert..how is this possible?

Alice walks out from the corner as she stands next to Henrik as they both glance at each other; once again this wasn't how Henrik wanted to see Elijah again but under these particular circumstances..it was an exception

"At this point, Elijah..anything is possible. But that's the thing, my name isn't Jeremy Gilbert not anymore anyways.."

Elijah seemed a bit confused by this as Henrik could see that this intrigued the noble vampire

"Did our dear sister not tell you..?"

He says referring to Rebekah but then again he wasn't going to assume she would just tell Elijah about who he truly is

Elijah:Mr Gilbert, last I checked we are not related so by all means tell me what exactly you meant by that?

Elijah adjusts his tuxedo and moves his tie a bit because the next thing he hears catches him completely off guard

"Ouch that kind of hurts honestly, you really can't recognize the brother you thought you lost so long ago?"

Elijah squints his eyes as he takes a closer look into what he thought was Jeremy Gilbert's eyes but behind them was a rather familiar soul; one he thought that had been taken away from his family far too long ago

Elijah:This cannot be true..you can't be him..he was killed by the werewolves..

Henrik takes this chance to be face to face with Elijah as he grabs one of Elijah's hands and puts it on his forehead

"Go ahead..look into my mind..see the truth for yourself, Elijah.."

Elijah seems a bit reluctant but he complies nonetheless as a wave of memories rush throughout his own mind; he immediately pulls his hand away and looks at the person standing before him in utter shock and disbelief

Elijah:Henrik..it's you..

Henrik puts his hands inside of his jacket and with an even bigger smile he tells his brother

"It's really good to see you again, Elijah..we have alot of catching up to do"

To be continued...

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