Chapter 4

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Chapter 4- The Ballad of Tiana Saxon

This chapter is inspired by the song called The Ballad of Sara Berry from 35MM A Musical Exhibition.

After the case at the Undertakers, Ophelia told to Lieutenant Dan that the killer committed suicide by setting himself up in flames. She really can't tell him that an Undertaker, a creature from Oz kidnapped Trinity and the rest of the people. That would be ridiculous

Unfortunately for Trinity, she was dead when they recovered from the casket where she was placed. Her body was the same like Inspector Conner's body, Dr. Henry put on the autopsy report that she was poisoned and the killer cut off her organs

Scarecrow felt guilty after learning about Trinity, he was too late to save her. Throughout the months had passed Dawn and Kaley were devastated about their friend's passing but Kaley promise to Dawn and Ophelia to not reveal about Scarecrow's identity

After Scarecrow's recovery he started to think about his conversation with Liir, he told him to go and find his half sister Nor and protect her but the problem is, where is she? Liir didn't told him anything where Nor is he just told him to find her and protect her. This gave Scarecrow in a tricky spot, he knew that Nor is here but this world is wide and he has a feeling that Nor is somewhere far away from the US but he has hope that Nor is somewhere in some of the states in US 

"Hey Scarecrow, you doing alright? " Ophelia ask. Her voice snaps him back to reality and realize that he is at the police department, at his desk as he zoned out. He hasn't bring it up to the detective about his encounter with Liir and his objective to find Nor 

He look up and face the detective with a confuse expression across her face 

"You've been spacing out ever since you got out of Dr. Henry's clinic. Are you alright? "

"I'm fine, detective. " 

"Let me guess: You're still upset at Trinity's passing. " Ophelia said. When he heard this Scarecrow can't help but put his entire head at the desk while Ophelia started to regret bringing up that subject. No one ever recovered that especially Dawn and Kaley after they witness Scarecrow's powers it was cool but at the same time scary 

"Sorry if I bring that up but please don't blame yourself, no one that day can be blamed. " 

"I know, detective. " Scarecrow said as he started to think that there is no one's fault around that time at the warehouse with that Undertaker

Speaking of Undertaker, Ophelia told him while he was at Dr. Henry's clinic that they didn't found the master yet so that's going to be a problem. Scarecrow did said that they should arrest the master not the Undertaker since the master did everything and the Undertakers are the ones that did their bidding 

"Detective Willow, Detective Crowley. " Lieutenant Dan call them, bringing their attention. Both of them stand up and fixed there uniforms

"We received a call from Millenium High that there's a dead body. " Lieutenant Dan said

"Wait, Millenium High? Is that the school that Dawn and Kaley was attending? " Scarecrow ask

"Yes, but due to so many detectives are on a day off I decided to give you this case. " Lieutenant Dan said. 


"What the Hell happened? " Dawn ask. She and Kaley were trying to make out the sight at the football court, they were at the cafeteria just minding their own business until some jock just yelled that someone just died at the football court. Dawn went at the sight but she help her friend Kaley push her wheelchair and went at the football court. Due to the crowd they were unable to see what exactly happened 

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