aku pertama kali di sini

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Hello.. All
My name is Henki Henry
I'm the first time in this place
I wonder why there are so many strange things here
Is it okay with this strange powder??
And I asked around here...
When I asked .. the effect of their faces ... It's suddenly so different !!!
What's wrong really... What am I.. a stranger to them seeing her
But.. I don't bother them all..
I just wanted to ask... Where is this but they don't mind me talking
They only look at my body...
He said.. like this to me "where are you from?" And I answered them saying... But I saw their faces like GK likes me at all.. Me too... Can only accuse the head down..
When.. I accused my head.. suddenly a man pressed me.. and he said to me "are you okay right?" I was speechless watching him talk to me!
And I.. thought that person was bad.. thought I was wrong that person was kind and helped me from other people... And that's when I became friends with me... I was always together .

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