🐇 𓂅 i. the vampire

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p r o f i l e.
︎ ︎ ━︎ full name // claude asmodeus ambrose
━︎ gender // cisgender male
━︎ age // appears 20 years old, but is actually in his early 70s
━ occupation // musician
━︎ sexual orientation // homosexual
━︎ species // human-vampire hybrid

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a p p e a r a n c e.
━︎ overall appearance // claude is a pale and skinny young lad, who gives off a delicate vibe. at 5'7, he's rather short for his age, and his ivory skin is so untouched by the sun that most people mistake the young man as a ghost. however, his most distinctive trait isn't his light skin, but his minty-green hair, which is always kept in a generic style, and maintained at a length that is out of his eyes. though unnatural, it's surprisingly usually looked over. claude has narrow, bright green eyes and plump, pink lips, which hide his — small but sharp — pearly white fangs.

  ━︎ outfit // one in the middle photo ^  ━︎ blemishes // claude does have a few beauty marks here and there

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━︎ outfit // one in the middle photo ^
━︎ blemishes // claude does have a few beauty marks here and there.
━︎ other // n/a

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p e r s o n a.
━︎ overall personality // if one were to describe claude's personality in, let's say, two words, those words would be cold and distant. the young man is very unsocial and keeps himself locked away in his study for hours upon hours. because of this, people often assume that claude is genuinely just a cold and mean individual.
in a way, their assumptions aren't far from correct. it's true that claude can be cold, sharp-tongued, and irritable, but he isn't always like that. he was raised by very strict parents and wasn't given the proper opportunity to experience a childhood, and instead, was forced to master the piano at the young age of 11 years old. even after 9 years, claude continues to play for both discipline and expression. it's almost as if claude's only way of expressing his true self is by means of the piano.
but, that aside, because claude doesn't socialize outside of the occasional gig he'll play for, claude's first impressions are always bad. get to know the individual and you'll find that claude is actually very curious about everything — he's just a little mmm shy??
despite his 7 decades of life, claude is still filled with a secret wonder when his eyes catch a glimpse of a rainbow or any other natural phenomenon.
━︎ zodiac sign // aquarius
━︎ likes // being alone, the piano, snowfall, tea, napping, slow and melancholy songs
━︎ dislikes // loud people, most people, his parents, the piano, spicy foods, extremely hot weather, beating around the bush
━︎ fears // a sticky piano key
━︎ other // n/a

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t r i v i a.
━ other information // claude's mother was a second generation vampire, while his father was a human. unlike his mother, claude does not get the unquenchable urge to drink blôod. however, he does feel tempted occasionally, but it is no where as strong and is usually a "mind over matter" kind of thing.
his parents were also very wealthy, so the young man is very well off.

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s m u t.
━ virgin? // yes
︎ ━︎ position // bottom. probably a power bottom, tbh.
━︎ turn ons // of course, since claude is a virgin, he has yet to discover these.
━︎ turn offs // same thing, but he probably wouldn't do well with scat and bodily fluids like that.
━︎ kinks // tba~

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p r o m p t s.

i. // a little nsfw? idk. probably should take it to dms tho. (your oc) was claude's head butler and was probably the person claude was the closest with. that being said, (your oc) was also very aware of what claude was, a hybrid. nonetheless, claude's genetics served as a very little problem and was kept as a secret from the public with ease. but this would grow to be more difficult as time went on.
winter was currently taking its course on mother nature and had left the manor (your oc) and claude lived in under a thick blanket of snow.
claude had been up in his study for most of the day now, as per usual, and every once in a while, (your oc) would hear claude on the piano.
now, (your oc) was finishing tidying the place up, before he would see it that claude was put to bed. (your oc) knocked on the door to claude's study, patiently waiting for the other to open it and follow (your oc) to his bedroom like he always would. however, claude didn't answer. (your oc) was used to claude not verbally answering, but he would at least open the door.
assuming he was asleep, which was also not an uncommon occurrence, (your oc) opened the door. the sight he would be met with was nothing he was expecting.
claude was laying face up on the floor, sheets of music thrown around him, the room disheveled and a mess.
concerned, (your oc) rushed to claude's side, noticing how the young man's face was flushed and how his chest rose and fell in frantic, shallow breaths.
"master claude..?" (your oc) began.
just then, claude weakly grabbed (your oc) by his shirt collar.
"(your oc)... i'm.. so thirsty..." he whispered raspily.
what does (your oc) do?

ii. // hehe maybe nsfw. dms recommended but not required. (your oc) was currently at an extravagant masquerade ball. the masquerade was a lavish event that the city held every year for the duke's birthday. with every year, the entertainment would change. for example, last year was an orchestra while the year before was an opera.
however, this year, there was only one singular man playing the piano, but everyone seemed very excited to hear the man play. hushed murmurs and whispers could be heard as he played and the people danced. claude ambrose was his name, and his music was full of life and emotion, almost bringing many to tears as they danced. intrigued, (your oc) went in search for claude during his break.
after a while of searching, (your oc) found him surrounded by very wealthy looking people, all swarming him with questions about his next performance. he appeared very uncomfortable, and, before (your oc) knew it, he had slipped away.
that didn't stop (your oc) from following him out into the court yard, however. curiosity had gotten the best of (your oc) at this point, as he followed him into the back of the yard, surrounded by shrubbery.
suddenly, claude turned to face (your oc). even covered by his white, feathered mask, (your oc) could still see how flushed his face was. claude was also trembling quite a bit.
"wh-why are you following me?" claude asked, voice shaky, eyes tinted with red.
what does (your oc) do?

iii. // make one up!!



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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jan 17 ⏰

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