The hellhole/ boy in bangedes

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               Zack's pov  (age right now 11 years old)

                    This world is sick and Im not just saying that . This world that we live in is just nothing short of a discusting, miserable , shithole and the poeple in it are just about a 1000 times f****** worse yes I hate people and just about everything else , ESPECELLY the dam crack heads that run this shitty ass so-called foster home type thing .

   And unforcanitetly for me those crack heads were my so-called parents I leraned a long time ago to never expect much from them let alone love. My old man and woman could not have given to craps less about me there own son and they certainly didnt give a dam about the other kids here .

  My mother Lyida ( I dont know his perents real names) would constantly beat and starve the kids and my father Joe would just be snorting crack or some other drug to get his ass high and god help anyone who dared to destruib him when he was doing so .

   And what was my job digging holes and burying the decaying flesh and bones of the inocent lives stolen from the children who passed on in these walls here every single godam day . Most people didnt really bother me though heck who would when your skin is practicly  burned to the core and bandges covering over 90% of your body. Yeah I can thank my f****** dad for that one bastered lit me on fire last week , but unforcantly for him his murder attement failed miserably and I somehow servived.

  ISAAC YOU PICE OF SHIT GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE , Yes thats right Im Isaac foster and this is my beyond f****** life . My thoughts were than intrupted by Joe calling my name god I hate my name its just sounds so stupid . I whent down the stairs to see what him and the skank of a wife he had whanted and in a drug-fuled state he looked over and slaped me and didnt even bother flinching it happend so often.

     Ok you litte brat he continued we got another one of you discusting rats coming so you know what that means , I menatly cringed at those words. What he ment was that I was now to go ahead and pick some random dying kid and "end his/or her  suffering " to make room for this new kid. I took a heavy breath and grabed a shovel I can't belive I have to do this agian some other innocent life is going to have to end. 

   When I finally dicided on who it was to be I walked over to their room and kicked open the door only to meet with the cold-glazed eyes of the decesed , well on the bright side my job was now esaier , but it still sickened me.

   As I was burying the body I noticed somthing all to normal , Lydia was kicking a small bundle of what i had hoped were just sheets at frist truned out to be a young child , A litte gril to be exsact with blonde hair and the most strangly dead big blue eyes .

           Isaac there you are Lydia snapped take the new brat here and get rid of her  and she waked away. I did as i was told but then I did somthing out of character for me I picked her up gentaly and showed her to her "room" A room HA bullshit more like a barly breathable jail cell .

    I placed her gentaly on the old stained bug-infested matteres and just stared at her why isen't she running away ,freaking out or at the vary lest just somehow scared of me like everyone else,she just looked at me with those dead blue eyes and gave me a somewhat lopsided smiled and I gave one back shockingly that was somthing I almost never and i mean never ever did .
I than broke the akward silance , ponited at myself and said-

Me Isaac and you

she than  ponited at herself and said


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