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No one's POV.

Dhar Mann had been conflicted again. Did he really love sans? Or did he love That Vegan Teacher?  Who did he love?

Dhar Mann scoffed, ignoring his thoughts and turning to his group, who were all just sitting there like a bunch of brainless idiots. Dhar Mann got angry and yelled at them

"PLAN SOMETHING TO ATTACK THE OTHER GROUP!!" he yells. No one listened to him as their attention was turned to the TV.

"What are you idiots looking at?" He asks.

"The news, fucking dumbass" Kyle Sanders replied.

Dhar Mann turned over to see the news, he looked at it and raised an eyebrow

( Sponsor break! This image was made by me, this is a sub-plotline book that was made by CollectedV2 and you should read it, it's called "Forbidden Love")

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( Sponsor break! This image was made by me, this is a sub-plotline book that was made by CollectedV2 and you should read it, it's called "Forbidden Love")

Dhar Mann looked furious! How could someone take HIS spot light!? How dare he!? Who does he think he is? Some cool guy with ironic shades who likes Katanas and My Little Pony who's also a homosexual? How dare he!

Dhar Mann scoffed and walked away, not having the time to read more of the news report. He walked back to his house and put on a smile when he saw Sans the skeleton.


"Dhar Mann! Did you see the news?" Sans asked, Dhar Mann held in the fact the he no longer loved him. "I did." He replied, Sans weeped. "It's so horrible!" He weeped more and more, nuzzling his head into Dhar Mann's chest.( That pained me to write)

Dhar Mann did not love Sans anymore. He couldn't tell him though, it would ruin his plan. "How could Chad Wild Clay die!? His videos were so good!" Sans cried. That made Dhar Mann furious! Sans didn't like his videos!? What the hell!? Ugh, stupid Sans! He was so stupid! Dhar Mann's videos were OBVIOUSLY so much better!

"I need to leave." Dhar Mann says harshly, "Dhar Mann-chan!? Why!?" Sans cried more and more. Dhar Mann didn't reply at all, he just left.

He needed to find the man who killed Chad Wild Clay...

Even if it costed his life...

- End -

A/N: I am aware that I said I was gonna take a break, it was just bothering me for a second, this is probably the only thing I'll update until I feel better, until then. Enjoy this!

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