Part 10

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A/N: I'm gonna try something different, and try and make this chapter more from Harry's POV.... :D
The next day in potions, Snape assigned everyone to make a draught of the Memory Potion. Though he tried his hardest to pay attention, Harry just couldn't concentrate. His thoughts were swarming like a nest of bees, and he had a killer headache. He rubbed his temples and groaned impatiently as Snape went on and one about the active ingredients in a Memory Potion.
"Potter," Snape's voice made his head snap up. "Is there a reason why you're not paying attention?"
Harry looked straight into Snape's small, black eyes and shook his head.
"Very well. Ten points from Gryffindor," the professor growled. "As I was saying; the Memory Potion consists of three..."
Harry's thoughts once again trailed off, and he found himself looking around the room. Though the classes were cut short to only a half hour, it felt as if potions was twice as long. Harry's eyes rested on Hermione, where she was sitting across the room next to Parvarti Patil. She was focused on Snape, following him around the room with her bright golden eyes. Harry couldn't help but imagine her at the Yule Ball once more... the way she danced in his arms.
He knew they couldn't be like that now. Ron was his best friend, who also fancied Hermione, and Harry couldn't do that to him. Him and Hermione were friends, and that's all they would ever be, no matter how much it hurt him. He just had to find a way to explain it to Hermione.
After Potions, Ron and Harry had Charms while Hermione had History of Magic. They exchanged a few, quick words before parting their ways.
In Charms, Professor Flitwick had them practice the Diminuendo Charm on an animal until they all performed it correctly three times. Harry had trouble at first; Flitwick claimed that he wasn't doing the right hand movement, though Harry knew it was because his mind was elsewhere.
He eventually shrunk his turtle- it became the size of a small button- three times. He set his wand down on his table and rested his chin in his hands. Beside him, Ron was still trying to shrink his cockatoo, and was growing quite impatient.
"Is it just me, Harry," he said. "Or do charms absolutely hate me?"
Harry took his usual seat in the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom next to Hermione. He gave her a small smile, though it was forced. Sadness pricked his heart as he stared at his beautiful, bushy-haired friend, knowing that's all they ever could be.
Hermione returned the gesture with a warm smile, which almost shattered Harry's heart. He felt absolutely horrible for yelling at her the night before, and now he had to find a way to tell her they couldn't be together.
"I'm sorry about last night," he started quietly, his eyes darting to where Moody entered the room.
"It's alright," Hermione smiled. Her golden-brown eyes shone happily, and Harry knew that they would soon be filled with sadness; because of him.
As class started, Professor Moody went on and on about the dementors of Azkaban. Though he claimed that they were to move on to a different subject soon, he talked straight up until the bell.
Most of the students were relieved that they didn't have to learn anything, though Hermione was furious.
"We were supposed to start learning about nocturnal animals," she hissed as they exited the classroom.
"Maybe we will tomorrow," Harry said, shrugging.
The rest of the day went by in a flash, and before he knew it, Harry was on his way back to the Gryffindor Tower. He passed a few Durmstrang students, who gave him a glare full of coldness. Harry knew that they were still angry about Harry winning second place, when Krum "deserved it more".
Harry entered the common room quietly; he was unsure whether anyone was awake or not. The fire was only a batch of glowing embers, causing the dark room glow orange. Harry was surprised as he went to take a seat on one of the couches; Hermione was laying on the couch, fast asleep. He couldn't help but smile at the sight of her. Even when she was asleep, she looked absolutely beautiful.
Harry leaned down, placed his hand on her shoulder, and shook gently. Hermione groaned and opened her eyes sleepily.
She shot up as she realized it was Harry, "Harry! I'm sorry I fell asleep-"
"Don't worry about it," said Harry. "I just didn't want you to spend your night sleeping on a couch."
He took a seat next to her and watched as she yawned, tiredness clear in his golden eyes. She surprised him as she laid her head on his shoulder and wrapped her arm around his chest.
Harry smiled to himself at her simple gesture, and wrapped his arm around her waist. They sat in silence for a while, the only sound was the crackling of the embers as they slowly burned out. Harry could've sworn she had fallen asleep, but really, Hermione was wide awake, watching the fireplace carefully.
Suddenly, Hermione shot up, staring at Harry with wide eyes.
"I'm sorry..." she said quietly, beginning to scoot away from him. Harry was confused; why was she apologizing? He stared into her eyes, almost becoming lost in the color that he had grown to love. He felt a sudden urge to press his lips against hers and kiss her with all he had in him. But he knew he couldn't; they were only friends.
Harry pushed away the image that was running through his mind and focused on reality. Hermione looked terrified, and nervous, which made Harry feel absolutely horrible.
"Don't be," he said softly. He grabbed her hand and pulled her back over to him. Hermione gave him a small smile, though she didn't return to her previous position, much to Harry's disappointment.
"Are you alright?" he asked.
Hermione nodded, "I'm just tired," she said, though he could tell that wasn't the only thing that was bothering her.
"You can go to bed," Harry offered, silently wishing that she would stay with him for a while longer. He missed her company.
"No, I'm alright," Hermione insisted. She gave him a small, though real smile. Harry suddenly forgot what he was going to say as he stared at her. Her shoulder-length bushy, brown hair was ruffled at bit, though still looked perfect, and her golden brown eyes shone in the dim light.
"Harry?" she snapped his out of his daze.
Harry felt heat rushing to his cheeks, and looked away, "Sorry. I must be tired too," he lied. He could tell Hermione didn't believe him- she knew him too well- though she didn't say anything.
Harry suddenly couldn't help himself any longer. He felt himself leaning in, closing the space between him and Hermione. Their lips only centimeters apart, he closed his eyes and breathed in his familiar scent of lilacs. Before he knew it, their lips touched, immediately sending sparks through Harry's body.
He had never felt the feeling before; the feeling of pure pleasure. Hermione kissed back slowly, which made a feeling of heat begin to burn in the pit of Harry's stomach. He wasn't sure who pulled back first, only that he was disappointed. He stared into Hermione's eyes, breathing heavily. She had a smile on his her face for the first time in weeks, which made Harry's smile even bigger.
Realization suddenly flooded over Harry, and his breath caught in his throat. He just kissed Hermione, right after he admitted to himself that they were only friends. Yeah, they've kissed before, but it wasn't anything like that one. It was totally different.
"Don't ruin this moment for me with your regretful words," Hermione begged quietly. Her eyes shone with fresh tears as she stared at the ground. Harry was sure his heart shattered at this. He grabbed her hand and entwined his fingers with hers. He brought her hand up to his mouth and kissed it softly.
"Now, why would I do that?" he asked, a cheeky grin threatening the corners of his mouth. Why should he regret kissing her? He liked her- a lot. And he had the right to show her so.
Hermione returned his small, though it was barely visible. Harry pulled her closer to him and wrapped both his arms around her small waist. He buried his face into her hair and breathed in her scent of lilacs.
"I don't regret anything," he said, his voice muffled by her hair. Hermione smiled and laid her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes.
Before he knew it, Harry was drifting into a deep sleep.
Awh :3 I think this chapter is  ^-^
The writing might sucks though, guys. :\

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