Chapter 5 A crazy lemur 

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It is very strange now that he wasn't the only animatronic that can talk. In fact, all of the animatronics can talk now. As it was very strange, but it was nice that he has some company but he can't help but be worried about some of the founders. Well, just one of them as Lewis apparently had gone missing.

It was sad and it was also confusing as to where he had gone because nobody knows.It what is also strange is there was this weird presence within him the pegasus animatronic can't understand why but this presence within him felt very strange. It was weird to say the least.

Not to mention why was this presence within him to begin with but he couldn't question it as this presence inside of him felt tired as that was very strange why it felt tired but it did. It was concerning to say the least.As it was very strange, but there was nothing he could do about it, at least until he can figure out what exactly is going on. He doesn't feel like telling anybody right now as he didn't know how to explain it though since the facility closed today.

It was boring to say the least, as everyone else has their own things to do except for him. As he didn't mind the triplets coming into the arcade and playing all kind of stuff on there but he can't have a feel a little bit bored today when the facility opened it was just slow, and now it was even slower it was strange to say the least for him. As sometimes he would accidentally scare the other animatronics, but he would apologize.

It wasn't his fault it was because of his colours that made him blend into darker parts of the facility very easily, so he sneaks up on the others like a shadow. He also doesn't like to go where those the pools in the facility. He doesn't like them for some reason he says that it brings back bad memories of what he thinks are memories. They're all kind of mixed up at least to him they are.Winnie will try to go there to see Glory but he would always freak out because of where the sea serpent is currently at, including the colours as well it would always cause him to freak out.

As he going to the theatre to spend time with Star something about that animatronic just made him feel strange in a good way. It was weird, but he didn't mind it at all as right now as he was currently in the arcade counting the things that to make sure that they're still there, but for him it's a good way to pass the time. But even after when he finished that he would still be bored away as he didn't know what to do.

(" I've been repeating this how many times I've lost count already. I honestly don't know what to do now everyone else has their own things to do I don't want to bother them. I am still worried about what happened to Lewis. He's been missing for. I don't know how long I can't help but be preoccupied a little bit by that. Maybe I should do something else to get my mind off of it at least for a while. Maybe I'll go visit Ribbon and spend time with him. He's a crazy lemur, but it's nice to spend time with someone who is also having issues with memories.")

Then the pegasus animatronic soon left his floor of the underground facility and headed off to the trampoline area to spend time with that crazy lemur. As he noticed that the triplets was simply doing their own things, and it was nice to see that they had something to do though they were very young to be honest at least that's what he thought, as well as Lolli and Pop as well. As he can't help but have a feeling that it feels wrong for them to be so young and working like this. It didn't make any sense to him for some reason as he continued everything over to the trampoline level.

It is strange to say the least. Well once he enters the trampoline level of the underground facility, if something felt different.Winnie didn't understand why, but it did. Something was missing from here, but he can't figure out what it is. That's when it clicked for him. Where was Ribbon normally he be bouncing off the walls and greet him so where was that crazy lemur. It didn't make any sense as the pegasus animatronic can't help but be worried about that. As he soon looked all over the trampoline level to figure out whether it's resident head off to it very uncharacteristic to say the least.

Then after searching the pegasus animatronic, had found the lemur animatronic walking, but something about him was different from before. The way that he was walking wasn't normal was he damage he must be. He should be taken to maintenance to figure out what's going on and his head was down too. Not to mention that he wasn't smiling that was quite unusual to say the least, as he decided to head over and figure out what's going on.

"Hey there Ribbondancer is everything alright? You don't seem like your normal self. Do you need to be taken to maintenance?"

Then the lemur animatronic soon moved his head of something about his eyes are different from before, as they were actually different from how they used to be.But before the pegasus animatronic couldn't even understand what was happening Ribbon soon grabbed onto him very quickly as he looked scared. It was not like the lemur at all to be scared.

"I knew that someone would come soon. I was somewhat conscious when I heard about what happened to you.Wiatt I need you to listen to me.I am Eric Gale. Please, I need you to help me and everyone else that's trapped in these bodies. I know you're in there somewhere I need you to come out and help. I'm pretty sure whatever happened with my soul happened to yours first please I need you to come out and help.I no, you're in the somewhere within Winnie."

"Ribbon is something happening with your memory again I know I have memory issues as well but I'm pretty sure yours might be glitching again. I am getting confused as to what's going on."

" I don't have time to explain but I guess it's a lot for you to take and I suppose I know you're not Wiatt. But I also know that he's in there somewhere within you. What I don't understand is how come, he hasn't taken over like I always do. I mean me and Ribbondancer get along fine as we always swap, but how come you haven't swapped with Wiatt. Is there something wrong with him?"

"Oh do you mean the presence that's within me? Is that what you're talking about? I didn't know you had one too. I do believe I felt this presence within me. I know it's in there inside of me, but it feels so tired that it can't do anything. Do you know some thing about that?"

That alone made Eric stop, is something wrong with Wiatt is that why he hasn't taken over randomly like he used to do with Ribbon. That must be the case.The fact that the pegasus animatronic mentioned that he was tired is concerning.So that might be an issue but maybe there's someway to wake him up as that will be difficult he decided to take Winnie with him to talk a little bit to get some more information as well as figuring out how Carly is doing. Since it has been a long while as he might be doing this for the rest of the night, but at least he'll get somewhere before the other takes over. Hopefully he'll figure out how to wake up Wiatt. As whatever is going on here, it is not normal to say the least.

A cracked dreamOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora