Our joint departure garnered a great deal of attention from the table that attempted to get a rise out of me earlier, and once again, Kuwata decided to instigate a situation.

"Oh~? You lovebirds goin' for a round two? Have fun~!"

His raunchy implication earned boisterous laughter from the three males eating with him, plus a few chuckles from others in the cafeteria. Impressed with himself, Kuwata smirked, leaned back with his arms behind his head, legs crossed on top of the table, and the front legs of his chair suspended mid-air. Togami's grip on my hand tightened, and I had to physically pry his fingers apart from mine. At my departure, he visibly stiffened, and I began to walk towards Kuwata.

Once I was directly behind the redhead, I leaned in close to his ear and whispered with as much malice as I could:

"Kuwata shut the fuck up."

I then proceeded to step to the side of him, place my hand on his forehead, and push down. Causing the idiot to lose his precarious state of balance and go crashing back towards the floor, screaming. Not caring to see the result of my action, simply satisfied with his scream of terror, I walked back towards my boyfriend and reestablished our hand holding.

"Let's get out of here."

Togami simply followed in uncharacteristically stunned silence as I dragged him out of the cafeteria and to my dorm room. Multiple hallways and a flight of stairs later, we were outside my door. I dropped the lithe fingers I was holding and dug into my pocket to retrieve my key. Once I unlocked the door, I opened it and moved aside, giving Togami a mock bow.

"After you, my liege."

The blond scoffed, and walked in, with myself following shortly after. I walked past him and fell backward onto my bed, bouncing up a bit at the force. Closing my eyes, I lifted an arm up and waved it nonchalantly towards my boyfriend.

"You can sit wherever you like."

He took a while to deliberate, and while his thoughts ran presumably at 900 km/h I grabbed my green apple from my hoodie pouch and began to eat. After about five minutes, Togami made a decision and sat all prim and proper next to me on the bed.

"There is something I wish to know."

I still had apple in my mouth when he decided to address me, so I had to settle for a less than eloquent:


Togami, however, was unperturbed by my lack of grace and continued with his inquiry.

"Your talent... what exactly do you do?"

Quickly swallowing what was left of the fruit in my mouth and tossing the core into the wastebasket I knew to be right next to me, I tried my best to explain.

"I'm a vlogger. I upload videos onto my YouTube channel. There's a wide variety of content, which is how I gained as much fame as I have. Plus, I apparently have a likable personality? Whatever. So I post Q&A videos, internet challenges, or sometimes I just vent. Which, is what my channel originally was: just an emotional outlet. But then it evolved so fast, and suddenly I had countless subscribers and enough lucrative sponsorship deals that I was able to finally strike out on my own, and then I came here."

"What do you mean strike out on your own?"

I opened one eye and looked up at the blond who's intense gaze was burning with curiosity. I closed the opened orb and sighed.

"My parents were total fuckfaces, so let's just say I had to raise myself. Once I had enough money saved up, I got my legal independence and bought my own apartment. And then I came here."

Togami simply grabbed my hand and squeezed it gently out of what I could only assume to be sympathy. We stayed like that for a while, until the blond leaned back fully onto the bed and pulled me into his arms. With my face buried into his chest, I hummed contentedly. I then decided to break our comfortable silence.



"What's your favorite drink?"

"Civet coffee."

"What's your favorite color?"

"What is the reason behind these imbecilic questions?"

"As the Super High School Level Vlogger, I am more than acquainted with Q&A sessions, and I know that they're a great way to get to know a person. Simply refining my talent. Now please, answer all of my questions truthfully."

"Fine. Emerald green."

"Favorite composer?"


"Ooh, his cello sonatas are amazing. Favorite book?"

"I don't have favorites when it comes to books."

"Favorite artist?"


"Monet is my favorite impressionist, but Renoir is good too. Favorite instrument?


"Hmmm...pretty basic choice. But at least you didn't say violin. Well, I'm out of questions."

"You had some pretty interesting responses to some of my answers. Care to explain?"

"What, you didn't think I was some vapid beauty guru, did you? I have depth. I'm cultured."

Togami simply chuckled and moved to get up. I whined in protest since his hold on me was incredibly comfortable. He ran his lithe fingers through my hair and stood up fully. I threw my arm over my eyes and wailed in mock despair.

"Our time for lunch is almost up, are you going to at least attend the last half of today's classes?"

I laughed, and removed my arm from my face and sat up to face him.

"I found out today from the student handbook that class attendance is voluntary. We just have to pass our midterms and finals. So yeah, not gonna be going to classes anymore. I quite like sleeping, thank you very much."

"You're ridiculous. But your argument does hold merit. I'll be off then."

I fell back onto my bed and closed my eyes once again as Togami walked towards the door.

"Feel free to come back after classes are over, the door won't be locked. Also, can you turn out the lights, please? Thanks!"

The blond complied with my request and shut the lights off before he walked out. I curled in on myself, trying to ignore how his absence made me yearn for the arms around my form to return. Hoping that he'd take up my offer and come back in a few hours.


a/n: fffff after like a week i finish revising this chapter yeeeet. hope y'all enjoyed it!

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