🌀Deadly Psycho Ranger🌀2🌀

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🌀 Chapter 2 🌀
I landed in the middle of an outside mall in wolf form growling as people ran screaming scared. I saw a group of people in weird costumes stand in front of me making me stop. They gasped I guess thinking it was one of those enemies. I growled at them & charged at them as I jumped over them running as they chased me. I came to a field smelling another group but knew they were hidden watching. I dropped the bag growling at them showing my fangs. "Hey it's ok. We won't hurt you. We're the Power Rangers." The Red one said. I closed my eyes as I shifted human standing up putting my bag on my shoulders. "Who are you?" The Pink one asked. "Heller Demon Cullen." I said coldly. "How did you go into a wolf?" The Blue one asked. "It's one of my powers. I must of teleported here in anger." I said. "Where's the closest graveyard?" I asked them. "Why do you want to go there?" The Yellow one asked. "Why not? It's the safest place to be since everyone is dead." I said walking off to search for one. "Wait Heller!" The Black one said. I turned to face him. "Stay with us." He said. "You don't want me." I said walking off as they followed. "Where did you come from?" The Pink one asked. "Another realm where supernatural creatures exist. But I'm unwanted by my father after 16 years." I said coldly. I found one as I laid against a Willow tree. "So you plan on staying out here?" The Red one asked. "Yup. I've been through worse." I said relaxing. After a few minutes of talking they left as I fell asleep.

I was walking in the graveyard when a random drunk came up to me as he tried to touch me. Before the Power Rangers could do anything, I touched him as he dropped dead. "Death Shadow." I said walking off not caring as I stopped seeing his spirit. "Heller." Blue Ranger said. The guys spirit smiled at me before walking off. "Heller." Red Ranger said. I looked at him emotionless. "How did you kill him?" Red Ranger asked. "Death Shadow. My powers are awakening. So far I have Teleportation, Shifting, Death Shadow & Death Communication." I said looking around. "Death Communication?" Pink Ranger asked. "I can see & talk to the dead. The guy I killed, his spirit smiled at me...like he was free of something from this world that caused him to be a drunk." I told them sitting down. They grabbed the guys body as I stood up seeing his spirit. "Follow me." I told them as they did. I followed the spirit as I saw other spirits as well. The guys spirit pointed to a headstone as I read it. "Linda Hutson. Wife to William Hutson." I said as it clicked. "He drank cuz he lost his wife & he always felt emotional pain. When I killed him, he was free & able to be with her." I said looking at William seeing Linda there. I walked up to them as Linda placed her hand on my cheek making me gasp as she showed me how she died. William showed me what he went through after she died. "Thank you for freeing me." William said smiling. "You're welcome." I said as they both disappeared. "Heller are you ok?" Yellow Ranger asked. "I'm fine. Linda showed me how she died..." I said standing in front of their graves. "How did she die?" Black Ranger asked. "Her ex husband ran into her car with his killing her. He was the last thing she saw. Her soul was restless." I stopped thinking. I walked off calling Linda. "Show me what he looks like." I said. She touched my cheek as I saw. "He will pay." I told her as she smiled. I saw the rangers gone as I was walking the Psycho Rangers came. "Hello Heller." Psycho Red said. "I'm busy." I said coldly walking past him. "With what?" Psycho Red asked. "Someone is dying after I find them." I said still walking. I went into town & looked around seeing the guy. I grabbed him as I teleported into the graveyard ignoring both the power rangers & psycho rangers. "What do you want?" He asked scared. "What do I want? It's not what I want. It's what Linda wants. You killed her & for what?" I said coldly. I saw Linda & William watching. "Linda... Screaming or silent?" I asked. She touched my cheek. 'Screaming. I know what you are.' Linda said. "How did you know?" I asked shocked. 'i just knew.' Linda told me. I let the guy go as he ran. I took off after him at inhuman speed & caught him in a headlock. "I will be outcasted by everyone for this but fuck it. I'm already an outcast." I said smirking darkly as I bit his neck while he screamed as I drained him dry dropping his body. "Now I see why Aro loves human blood so much. It's sweet." I told myself as I buried him. I saw his spirit as he glared at me while I smirked. I walked off as I went to a crypt I found laying in the mattress as they came in looking around. I checked my phone seeing tons of texts & missed calls.

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⏰ Última atualização: Jun 29, 2023 ⏰

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