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Our tribe healer's eyes fill with tears and she smiles ear to ear as she conveys the good news. "Bala Hatun, you're going to be a mother, Osman Bey will have a child." Elif Ana declares. My heart starts throbbing in my chest, the blush falls into my cheeks and I pull Elif Ana into a hug. My eyes sparkle with joy, knowing that Osman will be ecstatic. Elif Ana finishes my check up and I leave the tent feeling like the luckiest woman in the world. In the distance, I hear Osman at the blacksmith workshop and I immediately know he's making a sword for the latest member of our family, Gunduz Bey's son Kayi ,. He calls out my name, I focus my eyes to the floor and shuffle slowly towards my husband. He asks me why I look so nervous. I respond with a quick, "I'll tell you later," and walk away. He knows I'm hiding something, but I have a plan on how I want to tell him, it doesn't include being in front of the entire tribe.
"Bala, Bala, earth to Bala." Gonca's voice snaps me out of my thoughts.
"Yeah, sorry I was distracted.." I mutter and try to leave the situation.
"My dear Bala, you're never this distracted, you know you can tell me anything." she persists. I know she won't leave me alone until I tell her.
"Okay fine, I wanted to tell Osman first but since you're practically my sister, I might as well tell you." I give in, she deserves to know, she's been through all the ups and downs with me. "Gonca, you're going to be an aunt, and I'm finally going to be a mom." I say through my smile. Gonca's eyes flood with tears, her lips burst into a smile and she pulls me in for a hug. Behind her, I notice Osman spying on us, and I give him a look that sends him back to his work. I go back to my station at the rug workshop and organize the women in groups so they can work efficiently. I start to
settle into my spot and bring the dyes to the pot when I notice Osman talking to Ahmet and the other kids, I can see him getting lost in his
thoughts. Ahhhh Osman, you'll feel the joy of having kids very soon, just you wait, I think to myself and I can't wait for the envy on Malhun bey Kisim hahahaha you are never going to have my Osman'm and you can stop seeing him as well  can't wait to tell her and how am I going to tell my brave one but first I would like to tell Halime ana as she supported me like I was her daughter as understood me so she has the right to know before anyone .Out of nowhere, flames explode in front
Of me. It takes me a second to register what just happened.
I hear the alps shouting, "Attack, we have been attacked." I pull out my sword and grab the other women, we quickly gather the children and form a barrier in front of them. I send Gonca and Aygul to go ahead and start fighting while I find a safe place to keep the kids away from the chaos. All
around me, I hear the thuds of bodies falling to the floor, and I hear the sharp metallic noise of swords clanging against one another. I catch sight
of Osman and his alps holding back the enemy from entering our tent. His relics are in there, and he'll protect them at any cost, I know that. My
heart fills with dread as I realize that if I get hurt, it could hurt my child. I quickly flush those thoughts out and try to manage the seven children that have been following me. Without warning, a Byzantine soldier aims an arrow towards one of the kids, as it releases I withdraw my dagger and slice it midair. The soldier charges towards me and I shout at the kids to go back to the workshop and hide beneath the rugs.
I fight with my sword, killing anyone that dares to cross paths with me. The ground is littered with bodies. For a second, everything goes hazy and I start to feel dizzy. A sharp pain envelopes my stomach and I fall to the floor clutching my belly. "BALAAAAA'M!" Gonca calls out. It's the last thing I hear before everything goes black.

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