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It was morning and she was not in her bed, not in her room, not in her house. The first thing she thought when she woke up was that the night before was a crazy nightmare, but it wasn't, and she realised it when she opened her eyes. She quickly pulled the covers off her and saw that she wasn't wearing her Spiderwoman costume, she was wearing white pyjamas and a strange bracelet. Startled she pulled down her trousers a little and saw that luckily she was wearing the underwear she had worn the night before, and it didn't hurt but just in case she put her hand down to make sure it was intact. What did hurt was her neck, from the bite she had taken.

"Calm down," said the same voice that tormented her the night before, coming closer and closer to her, "I didn't take advantage of you, I would never do that."

She quickly pulled up her pajama trousers and climbed up the wall until she reached the ceiling, to be as far away from him as possible. She could see where she was — in a huge, modern loft, with a style of decor she had never seen before. All the furniture was white. There were walls that were made of glass and you could see from inside that they were at a great height, you could see a big city, so she guessed she was in a penthouse. The strange thing was that there were no balconies or windows, no walls or doors separating the space, apart from built-in wardrobes and a door next to the bed that she assumed was a bathroom. He chose that flat for that reason, because there were no walls to give privacy apart from the bathroom, to keep an eye on her easily.

"How should I know!? You killed my ex and kidnapped me, it wouldn't be so weird, you fucking psycho asshole!"

He grimaced in annoyance but it passed, he didn't want her to see him upset, let alone angry.

"I'm not like that."

He approached her, wearing pyjamas just like hers and a mug in each hand, as well as bunny slippers that made him look ridiculous. He offered her a cup, but she, neither short nor lazy, decided to attack him by hitting him in the chest with her legs to knock him to the ground, making him grunt with hurt and anger, spilling all the liquids from the cups. In one leap she ended up on the glass wall, and assumed she would break it, but all she managed to do was to end up stuck to it as if she was a dart. She jumped hard and even punched, but all she managed to do was hurt herself.

"Calm down, would you?!" he asked angrily as he stood up and took off his T-shirt that had ended up completely stained from the drinks inside the cups he was holding before. Not only did she notice that he was indeed in very good shape, but he was still wearing that strange watch from the night before, the one he opened that orange portal with.

"Well, no, where am I?" She said as she climbed back up the roof and ended up in a corner of the flat, quite far away from him.

"You're in your new home, our home, in my dimension," he said as he went to the American-style kitchen to drop his T-shirt in the laundry basket, inaugurating it.

""Our home?" Yeah man sure," she laughed nervously, that and the idea of being in another dimension and not knowing how to get back to hers was stressing her out, "take me back."

"No," he said as he activated a robot to clean up the broken cups in the floor.

"Are you saying I'll stay here forever?"

"No, but most of the time," he said so calmly as he walked away from the floor space that was the kitchen.

"What about Barceyork? What about my friends and family?" she asked genuinely frightened at the thought of never seeing them again and leaving her city unprotected. It's not like the Avengers were going to patrol the city looking for bank robbers and muggers, they had 'better' things to do, orders from SHIELD. She was the friend and neighbour in town.

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