"and for this you needed to drown?"

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"Kenma, put your Psp away and take your bathing clothes on. We will soon go to the others."
Kuroo walked up to the blonde boy.

"I've never agreed on camping with the team. Also I didn't pack anything."
The boy mumbled on the floor.

"I don't care, if you didn't agree... And I have packed your stuff for you."
The black haired explained and reached a hand out to Kenma.

He grabbed the hand from his friend and standed up.

"So, even when I don't want to go, you will take me there, without any disagrees from me?"
Kenma asked and walked through the hausedoor.

"Yeah! You're right, Kitten!"
Kuroo sayed and grind.

"Please... Stop it."
Mumbled the smaller boy with red checks and looked at the floor.

"But I like it."
He said a little bit sad, but it's all acting.

Kenma sight.

"Ok. Let's go, Kitten."
Kuroo is really excited for the camping with his volleyball team from school.

Since the summer holidays started they've hadn't any practice.
Why would they even do some in these hot weather.

So they've organized to camp near the beach to play there beach volleyball and have fun swimming, but little did they know, that their setter can't swim.

So when the two boys get to the camping campus, they've first saw Lev and Yaku.
The giants boy family builded up the tents with help from Yaku's family so they have enough place for all of them.

"Hello, you two!"
Kuroo greeted the boys and holded Kenma at his arm.
"Where are the others?"

"Oh, they're already swimming."
Yaku answered in his swim shorts and a towel in his hands.

"Oh, okay. You two can go. We will get there in a few minutes."
The black haired said and get into one of the tents.

"But I hate swimming."
Kenma grounded even quieter, then for some hours at home.

"You don't have to swim. You can sit there and watch us, but please play with us volleyball later."
His friend explained and takes off his long pants and t-shirt.

Under his clothes he has already his swim shorts on, just like Kenma.
"I will wait outside."

Kenma responded.

Kuroo knows exactly how Kenma hates to take off his clothes in front of others, so he waits outside.
A few minutes passed by and kenma get out with his shorts, a zip-jacked and two towels under his arm.

One of him and the other for Kuroo.
He knows, that Kuroo is a little bit lazy to take a towel with him.

He always thinks, he doesn't need it, but actually need one after all.
At the beach the team captain runs enthusiastically into the water.

Kenma spread out his towel on the sand and let his body fall on it.
He sadly forgot his Psp at the sleeping spot, so he sits there and looked at Kuroo.

"Like a little kid."
He whispered to himself.

After some hours the team got out of the water and takes Kenma to the play beach volleyball, even if they're still wet from swimming.
At the end the team from Kenma's side wins against Kuroo's team.

So for revenge Kuroo's team pulled the others in the water, but without Kenma.
And the day got passed like this.

On the next day, they've organized to get two boats with six seats each.
So they've got early to the beach and got in two teams to make a race against each others.

"and for this you needed to drown?" | kurokenWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt