♡︎ How You Met Their Mom

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It was kind of a weird situation. When you guys first became a real couple, you made a mutual agreement to keep it secret, partially because you didn't want the whole class on your ass, and partially because you didn't want people knowing your business.

So naturally, he didn't tell his parents. That meant that every time you came over, he had you climb the back wall of his house where his bedroom window was to meet with him. He seriously didn't want you coming through the front door.

After hanging out, talking, doing whatever you came over for, you decided to climb back out the window and down the wall as per usual. Once you got to the ground, you stood there for a moment to brush your hands and knees off.

You looked over and Mitsuki was standing right there, garden utensils in her hands and a shocked look on her face. Though it quickly melted back to her usual demeanor as she mumbled something about "I knew that boy was hiding something from me." You sat there for a good 10 minutes trying to explain its not what it looked like.


His mom already knew about you when you met her for the first time. When Kirishima saw you on the first day of UA, he knew he had already developed a major crush on you. He ended up going home and telling his mom all about you the same day.

When you got invited over for dinner you were more than excited. Kirishima had always been super sweet to you so you were slightly put at ease thinking about how wonderful someone has to be to raise a kid like Kirishima.

When you got there, his mom instantly hugged you and greeted you, talking about how it was so nice to finally meet you. You guys had a long conversation about your family and school around the dinner table as you ate.

The night ended in Kirishimas mom telling you all the sweet and sappy things he said about you. She also whipped out the baby book, which Kiri was obviously embarrassed of.


You ended up meeting Kaminaris mom without realizing it was Kaminaris mom. Your city holds an annual flee market and you accidentally bumped into her while you were walking and not paying attention to where you were going.

You both apologized at the same time, talking about how you were distracted while walking. She saw the UA pin on your bag and started asking you about school. She told you her son went to school there but you never connected the dots.

When Kaminari invited you to a family cookout to meet everyone in his family, both you and his mom were shocked at who was standing in front of him. Kami saw your expressions and he had no idea what was going on.

Kaminaris mom ended up telling everyone at the dinner table the story of how you guys met, making everyone erupt in laughter. Let's just say it was a fun night all together.


Seros mom is an all around sweet person that loves talking to everyone, so it's not surprise she made easy conversation with you for the first time without you even knowing who she was.

She works at the city flower shop, and when you went in to get some flowers for Sero (bc why not), she asked you what the special occasion was. You told her how your boyfriend had given you a gift recently and how you wanted to get back at him by giving flowers.

As she cut and wrapped the flowers you asked for, she noticed they were just like the ones she had sitting around the house. She asked why you chose those specifically and you explained that your boyfriends mom always has them around the house, meaning it reminds him of her.

She connected the dots and basically ended up asking if you knew her son, which led to you telling her that you and Sero were dating. She ended up giving you the flowers for 50% off.


Thank you all so much for reading!

Have a wonderful day!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2023 ⏰

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