~■Forever the end■~

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Julie's father went fishing once more, near the edge of the earth. She was always afraid to go swimming, or head to the docks because she feared her island would slide right off, or the island's Volcano would erupt even though its soild rock. She was told by her father to never go too far, or she would fall off the earth and she would be launched into space.

"FATHER! LINDSEY THREW MY JACKET INTO THE FIREPIT AGAIN!" Julie yelled, flailing her arm holding the jacket. "Oh my! Just go get ready for school, and I'll patch it up." Julie's father, Harold, answered. He quickly grabbed the jacket and did his magic. It looked as good as new! Julie took it back, and walked down to the road to her school from the island with her younger sister Lindsey. "I'm sorry for throwing your jacket into the fireplace again, I just want to know how dad does the weird magic thingy!" Lindsey commented. "Just don't do it again you lil squirt!" Julie said playfully. On their way, they saw a traveler heading towards the edge of the earth. Rowing his boat as fast as he could, unknowing what lies behind that hill of waterfalls.. "Another goner..?" Julie mumbled.

"Why do they keep checking.. haven't they had enough losses?" Lindsey sighed frowning. The girls continued their journey to school. At third period a fire alarm when off, and everyone rushed out to see the school cracking and breaking. Another earthquake was happening. Everyone was running home to friends or families. The girls walked slowly as they came to the road bridge. They slowly managed across the huge gap using the metal beams. They skipped along a new road through the forest. Coming to the edge of the earth.. endless waterfalls in every direction. They trotted down the rocks and find the traveler they spotted dead. They look at eachother and cover him in morning glory and bright pink daisies.

They bandaged him up and gently picked him up my the legs and gently tossed him over. Causing no sound as he fell for eternity. The girls did this everytime they found a dead person near the edge. The count is 18,093 now. Lindsey rushes up the rocks carefully, and Julie prays for the soul that was cast out, and climbs after her."They never know where they end up. If they ever come back they get shot. I hate this.." Lindsey says quietly, as they headed back, they found a random traveler dead. But already covered in light pink daisies and they looked at eachother confused. But realised that was the SAME traveler they just tossed over.. and another daisied traveler that was dead fell out of the sky. They looked at eachother horrified, and rannhome, knowing if it was raining dead bodies near the edge.. then their house would be covered. As they assumed they found their mother screaming, and for their father.. they looked at his boat, as he sank, and flowed off the edge of the world. The girls cried hard as they saw him drop from the sky. They grabbed the flowers, light pink daisies, yellow morning glories, and red roses, and set him in a box 19 feet under. Making a ring of rocks around a tomb. The girls continued their lives. Depressed from what they have witnessed, and tried to ignore the thousands of dead bodies dropping onto the ground and trees everywhere. Their mother died of heart burn 3 years after their fathers death. Julie was just old enough to get a job.


Falsehood of our life. 84 (MULTIGENRE MASHUP SMACKDOWN STORY THINGY)Where stories live. Discover now