Chapter 3

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Aurora's pov

A hand slapped my stomach, causing me to jump up. I glanced to my right and saw Hazel soundly sleeping, tossing and turning and striking me in the process. I'm wide awake now thanks to her, so I started to plan my revenge against her for striking me to get rid of my boredom. I grinned, as I had the perfect idea. I drew nearer to her, opening my mouth and biting the part of her arm as hard as I could. She quickly sat up gasping loudly. I held my stomach as I cheerfully giggled my cute ass at her puzzled expression. "Ow, Rora!" she complained, rubbing her arm, "Why'd you do that?" She asked with a scowl.

"You smacked me! look!" I grinned as I pulled my shit up, revealing the red handprint on my stomach. She gasped softly, delicately stroking my ribs. "Darling, are you not eating? We need to fill that up. You must eat; I demand you to eat three times every day, and you cannot refuse."

"gladly! I didn't have anything to eat; I was homeless, stupid." I grinned, pulling it down. She smiled softly and nodded, saying, "Now that I've found you, you're going to get whatever you need."

I returned the smile, wishing it was Ivy that found me.

My heart tightened a little at the memory. "I guess I deserved it," She murmured, still rubbing her arm.

"I'm bored, vampire; entertain me." I ordered, rubbing my scarred eyebrow. "Alright, how about we bake cookies?" She asked gently.

"Okay, as long as I'm the one doing the pouring and mixing." I pointed my finger at her in a warning manner, and she nodded, smiling. "Let's go," she said, standing up.

I was counting my steps as I followed Hazel to the kitchen. She entered the dark kitchen and turned on the lights, "I'll get the ingredients we need, then you can pour them." She explained, "Ok, but help me sit on the counter," I said After trying and failing. "How old are you?" I asked, swinging my legs back and forth, as she kept looking for the items.

"I'm 134 years old; how about you?" She gave me a glance. "Holy shit, bro, you are so fucking old." My eyes widened. "I'm basically 34 in human years." She shrugged and grabbed the measuring cups. "So you say you're 134, yet you've only lived 34 years? Is it like a year for every month for vampires or what?" I questioned, "No, if that were the case, I would be 408 years old.

"I genuinely am 134 years old; I just can live forever," she stated as she searched for a bowl. "Wow, that means you lived my life seven times! That's so unfair," I grumbled. "Oh dear, it's okay; life's unfair sometimes." She cooed, kissing my cheek.

"Now tell me how old you are, child." She demanded, resting her elbow on the table, "I'm 19." I grinned

"That's like a newborn baby here." She cooed, "Oh, go fuck yourself, Hazel." I slapped her arm, making her chuckle.

Once I was off the stool, she said, "All right, darling, put these in the bowl." She explained pointing towards the measuring cups, which had various ingredients in each one.

I added each ingredient to the bowl with care, paying close attention to the flour.

Once i was finished, She messed with my hair, saying, "Good job!"

"Shut up, vampire, now hand me that spatula," I ordered, making her laugh and give it to me. I gleefully blended the ingredients as the idiot vampire sang, "You suck, Hazel, please stop; I'm begging you; my ears are about to bleed!" I chuckled joyfully at getting to mix the ingredients.

She only sang louder and swayed slightly in response to her terrible voice.

She accidentally backed into the table's corner, which dug into her back, causing her to yelp in unexpectedness at the sudden pain she felt.

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